Cold Brew Latte: Creamy, Rich, and Refreshing

The Cold Brew Latte is a trend that is capturing the attention of coffee lovers all over the world.  This drink, with its rich and creamy taste, has become increasingly well-liked among traditional coffee lovers as well as health-conscious consumers. 

As the name suggests, the Cold Brew Latte combines the rich essence of cold brew coffee with the creamy texture of milk, creating a refreshing yet indulgent concoction. Beyond its delightful taste profile, the Cold Brew Latte has found its place in the health and wellness community, celebrated for its lower acidity and potential health benefits.  As individuals seek alternatives to traditional caffeinated beverages, the Cold Brew Latte stands out as a compelling choice, offering a unique blend of refreshment and energy in every sip. 

In this blog, we’ll explore Cold Brew Lattes, where innovation meets satisfaction in the realm of contemporary coffee enjoyment.


01. What is a Cold Brew Latte?

02. The Cold Brew Process Explained

03. Benefits of Cold Brew Latte

04. Cold Brew Latte vs. Traditional Iced Latte

05. Choosing the Right Coffee Beans for Cold Brew Latte

06. Step-by-Step Guide to Making Cold Brew Latte

07. Flavor Variations in Cold Brew Lattes

08. Nutritional Profile of a Cold Brew Latte

09. Best Milk Choices for Cold Brew Latte

10. Cold Brew Latte in Cuisine

11. Serving and Presentation Tips

12. Pairing Cold Brew Latte with Food

13. DIY Cold Brew Latte Recipes

14. Frequently Asked Questions

15. Conclusion

What is a Cold Brew Latte?

What is a cold brew latte, though, before we get into it?

Coffee that has been cold brewed is used to make a cold brew latte. Since the coffee is steeped for an extended period to bring out all its flavours, it contains more caffeine than iced coffee. For that extra burst of coolness, there are ice cubes and chilly foam on top!

In order to get its distinctive flavour, a cold brew latte deviates from the standard iced latte by adding a few additional procedures.

Things improve further.

On those extremely hot days, when you just want something cold to drink, this cold brew latte recipe is ideal.

But now you can enjoy the finest of both worlds—ice and cold brew—in one delicious latte with this recipe!

The Cold Brew Process Explained

Those who are well-prepared and patient will get the benefits of cold brew coffee. If you want your cold brew press coffee to turn out perfectly, you need to give it at least 12 hours to steep.

One option is to purchase a dedicated cold brew machine, but there is also the do-it-yourself method, which makes use of items you probably already have lying about the house. The gadgets aren't required to filter your brews properly, but they can make the process easier and less messy.

You can experiment with any type of container, including carafes and jugs, in your own home if you'd rather not purchase these particular equipment. You can easily gauge its capacity by measuring the amount of water it holds, so be careful. The conversion is as simple as one gramme of water = one millilitre of water.

I think a big French press or Chemex coffee brewer would be more effective than spending any additional money. These should work just fine if you happen to have any paper filters lying around the house. The amount you can prepare, and the final strength of a recipe utilising a fixed dose, is affected by the size of the container.

Step 1 – Prepare Your Beans

How coarsely you ground your beans is directly related to how long you intend to steep your coffee. It affects the final filtering performance as well. Since fine particles can more readily pass through filters than coarse particles, it is not advisable to use fine grinds. 

A coarse grind, like that used in French presses, is what we suggest. If you're not sure which grind is best for your coffee, contact North Star to schedule a brewing class and we'll show you how to use this crucial variable with ease. 

Grinding the beans right before brewing gives you the most flavour to work with, and fresh beans always make for great coffee. It goes without saying that you should also purchase beans that are freshly roasted and follow the storage instructions provided by the supplier.

Step 2 – Coffee Grounds Steeped In Cold Water

Get some high-quality water to brew with before you continue. As a bare minimum, you should use a charcoal filter. 

After waiting half an hour or more to taste your coffee, the last thing you want is to discover that it tastes flat, heavy, chalky, empty, or has a chemical odor. End of disclaimer!

The water-to-coffee ratio, then, should vary according to the cold brewing's intended use. In around 24 hours with a coarse grind, you can have a cup of coffee made with a water-to-coffee ratio of 1:8. 

Alternately, you can use a ratio of 1 part coffee to 4 parts water, or even 1 part coffee to 2 parts water, to get a cold brew concentrate that is far stronger. Making this robust coffee will take an eternity with a coarse grind setting, but you may speed it up by going with a finer one. The concentrate is typically "diluted" with a combination of water, milk, ice, or some combination thereof.

If you're just starting out, we recommend sticking to the basics and seeing how it compares to your hot brews of the same coffee. 

Using the same recipe, filtering method, and controlled variables to make a hot coffee and a cold brew side by side is an intriguing and highly recommended experiment. One part coffee to sixteen parts water (or sixty grammes of coffee per litre of water) is what we recommend for this. 

Brewing time would be 12–18 hours with a coarse grind setting for a cafetiere. For what reason is the range of times discussed? Although there's a tale for another day, we are fully cognizant of the fact that each cafetiere brewer has their own unique method.

Mix the water and coffee and let it sit for 12–18 hours at room temperature or 18–24 hours in the fridge (or somewhere else there isn't anything open or smelly)—it doesn't matter.

Step 3 – Coffee Should Be Strained

Step one is to strain the steeping coffee mixture through a filter to extract the flavorful brewed coffee and discard the coffee grounds. This part is made easy with the cold brew appliances. It is possible to use the plunger with a cafetiere, but it will, as is customary, leave some particles in the brew. 

No matter what kind of filter you use, we still suggest using paper filters and pouring carefully for this stage. An ultra-fine-mesh sieve, if available, would be an excellent choice.

Finding the best filtering mechanism for your preferences may take some trial and error at this stage. In general, metal-filtered cold brew is the preferred method of brewing robust coffees like cafetieres and espressos. 

A paper-filtered cold brew is often preferred by those who like a milder or cleaner coffee, such as those who use drip machines, V60s, Chemex, or batch brewers. 

Filtering your cold brew using your regular AeroPress assembly is a good idea, but be careful not to use too much pressure while pouring; instead, pour slowly and let the liquid flow through on its own. To get the best coffee possible, it may be necessary to use more than one filtering process.

Step 4 – Make Your Coffee

Ideally, your coffee should be piping hot at this point. It's now up to you to decide how much water, ice, or milk to add to dilute it further; you can even add it to boiling water for a nice drink. 

You may still consume your cold brewed coffee warm if you want by mixing it with hot water, even though cold brew is typically thought of as a summer drink—best savoured chilled. In order to make coffee according to your exact specifications in a big batch that is easier to travel, you can use a cold brew concentrate. 

A bottle of cold brew concentrate is all you need; just bring it to the office and dilute it to your liking, whether that's hot or cold. The final stage is entirely up to you. But if you're good at keeping track of your recipes, we suggest starting with our recipe up top and seeing how it compares to a hot brew of the same coffee.

Benefits of Cold Brew Latte

Why is this easy meal so delicious, though? Because of the method used to extract the liquid from the beans and the length of time it is steeped (12-24 hours), cold brew is considered superior by coffee connoisseurs. 

But the flavour isn't the only perk; there are some unexpected health advantages, too:

1. Caffeine Concentration Is Higher

Caffeine levels in cold brew coffee are higher than in ordinary coffee because of the lengthier brewing procedure. The coffee-to-water ratio in cold brew is 1 to60, whereas in a typical cup of drip coffee it's 1 to 20. 

As an example, the caffeine content of a 16-ounce cup of cold brew coffee from Starbucks is approximately 200 mg. A chemical called caffeine can make you feel more alert and focussed. It has also been shown that caffeine aids in weight loss. 

Cold brew is the perfect amount of caffeine for most coffee lovers, although everyone has a different caffeine threshold and too much caffeine can be harmful.

2. It's High In Antioxidants 

Antioxidants are substances that can block or halt cell damage, which is why they are extremely useful for your health. Antioxidants abound in cold brew, which is great news for coffee lovers like myself. 

Caffeine, chlorogenic acid, cafestol, and melanoidins are a few of the main beneficial antioxidants in cold brew; these compounds have anti-inflammatory qualities that are well-known. Just get a great, cold brew if you need a decent amount of antioxidants throughout the day. 

3. Has The Potential To Reduce Disease Risk

Several diseases can have their risk reduced by drinking cold brew, which also has anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have shown that drinking more coffee and cold brew lowers the risk of several diseases, including cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. 

Research suggests that a daily intake of three to five cups of coffee may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as fifteen percent. However, coffee might exacerbate uncontrolled hypertension, so it's best to avoid it if you have that disease. 

Cold brew, used in moderation (four to six cups daily), may lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, the gastrointestinal peptides that regulate and limit digestion may be one mechanism via which cold brew coffee maintains steady blood sugar. 

A 65% lower risk of acquiring Alzheimer's disease was seen in individuals who consumed three to five cups of coffee daily, according to one study. There is some evidence that the chemicals in coffee, including phenylindanes, harman, and norharman compounds, can lower the risk of acquiring neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

4. Could Lengthen Life Expectancy 

While drinking cold brew won't magically extend your life, it may lower your mortality rate and make you live a little longer. An earlier point was made on the abundance of antioxidants in cold brew. 

Consequently, research has demonstrated that consuming cold brew can reduce the likelihood of mortality caused by cardiovascular disease, lung disease, stroke, injuries, accidents, diabetes, and infections. 

Cold brew contains powerful antioxidants including caffeoylquinic acid, which contribute to this enhanced longevity.

5. May Aid with Weight Loss

The high caffeine level of cold brew suggests it can aid weight loss. You can keep burning calories long after you've finished exercising by drinking a cup of cold brew; this will boost your post-workout energy expenditure. 

6. Enhance Cognitive Function

A heightened state of intelligence is yet another advantage of consuming cold brew. Well, that's not exactly how it works, but drinking a cold brew does have the effect of increasing blood flow to the brain. Caffeine has a significant role in this. Mental acuity improves as blood flow increases to the brain. So, grab a cold brew the next time you need an additional mental boost at work!

7. Improved For Sensitive Stomachs

Those who suffer from gastrointestinal issues often find that coffee aggravates their symptoms. You might want to skip the coffee if acid reflux is something you often deal with. 

On the other hand, cold brew offers a wonderful alternative for individuals who are sensitive due to the various brewing processes. 

There is less acidity and a nicer texture with cold brew. You might find that cold brew is easier on your stomach if you suffer from acid reflux. 

Furthermore, crude polysaccharides are present in cold brew. The digestive tract is one area where these molecules shine. Additionally, it has the potential to mitigate some of the negative effects brought on by the acidity of ordinary coffee. 

8. Potential Anti-Aging Properties 

You might be surprised to hear that cold brew has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. The insanely potent antioxidants that shield your cells from harm are responsible for this.

Additionally, they can shield your skin from harmful environmental elements including pollutants and UV radiation. Therefore, drink some cold brew instead of using anti-aging treatments. 

9. Can Help You Feel Better 

In need of a pick-me-up? Cold brew is useful for that. Caffeine is full of potent molecules that do more than just keep you alert and ready to go; they can also lift your spirits. We don't know what else to say except that drinking cold brew can improve your mood and cognitive function. 

10. Increase Your Metabolism 

Cold brew has several advantages, but one of the last is that it speeds up your metabolism. 

Metabolic process describes how your body converts food into energy. Caffeine in cold brew can boost your resting metabolic rate, or the amount of calories you burn each day. 

Caffeine, according to the research, can raise this rate by as much as 11%. In a nutshell, cold brew's high caffeine content facilitates weight loss and maintenance by increasing resting metabolic rate.

Cold brew has several strong advantages, as you may discover for yourself. In addition to being a pleasant drink, it has the potential to improve your mood, keep you alert, make you appear younger, and extend your life.

Cold Brew Latte vs. Traditional Iced Latte

Cold brew lattes and traditional iced lattes are both popular choices for coffee enthusiasts seeking a refreshing caffeinated beverage, yet they differ in various aspects, including taste, brewing technique, and texture. 

In terms of taste, a cold brew latte tends to be smoother and less acidic than its traditional counterpart. The cold brewing process, which involves steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for an extended period, produces a coffee concentrate that is then diluted with milk and ice. 

This results in a mellow and subtly sweet flavor profile. On the other hand, a traditional iced latte is brewed using hot water, extracting a more robust and acidic taste that can be tempered by the addition of milk and ice.

In the realm of brewing technique, the primary distinction lies in the temperature and duration of the brewing process. Cold brew lattes require a lengthy steeping time, often 12 to 24 hours, in cold water, emphasizing patience and planning. 

Traditional iced lattes, in contrast, are prepared swiftly by pulling a shot of espresso or using strongly brewed hot coffee, which is then cooled and poured over ice. The expedited brewing method of the traditional iced latte offers a convenient option for those seeking a quick coffee fix.

Texture is another key factor distinguishing the two. Cold brew lattes typically exhibit a velvety and smooth texture, owing to the slow extraction process that minimizes the extraction of bitter compounds. 

The result is a drink with a rich mouthfeel that is both satisfying and easy on the palate. Meanwhile, traditional iced lattes may have a slightly thinner texture due to the use of hot water during brewing, which can extract oils and compounds that contribute to a different mouthfeel.

Ultimately, the choice between a cold brew latte and a traditional iced latte depends on personal preferences, with cold brew appealing to those who favor a smoother, less acidic taste and don't mind the longer brewing process, while traditional iced lattes cater to individuals seeking a quicker, bold, and more familiar coffee experience.

Choosing the Right Coffee Beans for Cold Brew Latte

Since lighter roasts tend to play up the acid qualities, cold brewing will mute that profile. You might love it, but most prefer darker roasts.

With a medium of dark roast, the cold brewing process will bring out the nutty and chocolatey flavors, resulting in a rich and smooth flavor. 

There are a lot of variables that affect the quality and traits of coffee beans, including the plants' origin, the methods of cultivation, and the geographic region in which they are grown.

Roasted coffee beans can be found in a variety of forms, but the two most common are Arabica and Robusta. You can purchase them in supermarkets, speciality stores, coffee shops, and even online. (Western countries rarely have Liberica and Excelsa beans.)

The distinctions between the varietals will let us to go into greater depth when discussing roasts, locations of origin, and other pertinent information.

Arabica Coffee Beans Vs. Robusta Coffee Beans

Arabica beans are the main ingredient in most of the great coffee you've eaten at restaurants like Starbucks. 

The Arabica variety accounts for almost 60% of the world's coffee beans, and it is generally considered to be the superior, more delicious, and sweeter option. However, the plants are difficult to grow and require high elevations, which drives up the price. 

Robusta beans aren't always as flavorful, but they're delicious anyway. Typically, the coffee they make is harsher, stronger, and less nuanced. Despite this, Robusta beans provide nearly twice the caffeine of Arabica beans, and many espresso lovers choose them for their robust flavour and thick crema. Choose Robusta if you're on a budget.

Unless you're really picky about caffeine levels, adore espresso, or are on a tight budget, Arabica beans are usually the way to go. Then, if you're looking for a reliable source, your best bet is to purchase Robusta beans from a single grower in a single region.

Origins Regions

Only a small number of nations grow both Robusta and Arabica beans for coffee. South-east Asian countries like Vietnam and Indonesia produce the vast majority of the world's Robusta beans. Brazil and India provide a lesser amount. 

Although many nations are able to harvest Arabica beans, they must be grown at high elevations. 

The majority of the countries that produce Arabica beans in significant quantities are located in Central or South America, Ethiopia, or Kenya, with Brazil being the leader in this regard. 

It may be more of a challenge to track down those beans, but they are well worth it if you can locate the smaller crops cultivated in places like Hawaii's Kona Coast.

Naturally, coffee beans differ in flavour and quality not only from one nation to another, but also from one farmer to another. Nonetheless, the vast majority of producers across all regions share a few traits.

  • South America: Arabica beans cultivated in the majority of South America's major coffee-growing countries typically conjure images of medium-bodied, balanced, slightly sweet, and not overly acidic coffee in the minds of Americans when they think of good coffee. Beans cultivated in Colombia and the more affluent regions of Peru share these traits. Coffee beans grown in Brazil, on the other hand, tend to be fuller-bodied and aromatic, with hints of chocolate, nuts, spice, or butter.
  • Central America: Honduran, Guatemalan, and Costa Rican coffees are comparable to Colombian coffees, but they may have a little more acidity, sweetness, and fruity notes.
  • Africa: The beans from the two main coffee-producing nations in Africa can have a lot of variation. The fact is that Ethiopia is the exclusive supplier for not one but two distinct bean varieties. The beans are extracted from the coffee cherry (the fruit of the plant) as soon as they are ripe for "washed" beans, whereas the cherry is dried before being used for "natural" beans. Lighter, brighter, acidier, and more flavorful coffee is often the result of using Ethiopian washed beans. Coffee made from natural beans has a less uniform flavour but is fuller-bodied, fruitier, and richer. An undercurrent that experts describe as "blueberry" is present in both kinds as well. Big, strong, savoury, and almost tropical in flavor—that's the coffee you get when you grow your beans in Kenya. 
  • Asia: Coffee beans from different Asian countries have vastly different flavours. Dark, earthy, and smokey are characteristics of Indonesian coffee. Even while Sumatran beans may make coffee that tastes identical, it will have a more "toasted" flavour. Coffee from Vietnam is probably going to be bitter, heavy, and loaded with caffeine since the majority of their beans are Robusta, which are widely used to manufacture decaf, instant, and coffee blends. Liberica and Excelsa beans, used extensively in Asia for coffee but not in the US, have quite distinct flavour characteristics.

Types of Roast

Since Arabica beans are typically thought to be the type of beans used, coffee enthusiasts are more likely to talk about coffee roasts than different kinds of beans. To be really forthright, it's possible that coffee roasters influence the final product more than growers do.

Green coffee beans have distinct scents and flavours that are "hidden" until roasting. Not only do beans change colour when heated, but they also undergo chemical changes that give them their signature flavour and "coffee smell." 

As the roasting process continues, the bean will turn a deeper shade of brown, and its robust flavours will emerge more strongly. After the beans have roasted, they are prepared to be crushed into coffee.

First, let's clear up a frequent misunderstanding before we go into the different kinds of roast. Beans with a darker roast do not generally have more caffeine or be stronger. Actually, the inverse is typically true. 

Caffeine is lost when beans are roasted; in fact, dark-roasted beans often have less caffeine than light-roasted beans.

Understood. Now, let's delve more into the topic.

  • Light Roast Beans: The beans aren't heated to a precise temperature by expert roasters. Rather, they wait until the beans "crack"—that is, right before the temperature reaches 400°—before they add oil, so the beans remain intact throughout the cooking process. Lightly roasted coffee tends to be mild, creamy, acidic, and sometimes fruity and somewhat toasted in flavour. Although it might benefit from a longer roasting time, the procedure stops it from displaying some of the robust flavours. Some additional names for light roasts are Cinnamon Roast, Light City Roast, and New England Roast.
  • Medium Roast Beans: American coffee beans most often bought are medium-roast, which are roasted for longer until they are almost cracked (often around 425°) but not greasy. While medium-roasting beans brings out their natural colour and mildly lowers their acidity, it also imparts more body and harmony. In most cases, you should expect to find a touch of sweetness along with the more prominent roasting smells. American Roast, City Roast, and Breakfast Roast are all terms that describe beans that are medium roast.
  • Medium-Dark Roast Beans: After the second crack, at around 440°, coffee beans are roasted to a medium-dark finish when they begin to exhibit signs of oil on the surface. By now, you can barely taste the beans' distinctively light flavour; instead, you're getting a full-bodied roast with hints of spice. After Dinner Roast and Full City Roast are two names for medium-dark roasts.
  • Dark Roast Beans: Even after the second crack, the beans are left to roast until they reach a temperature close to 465°, at which point they are removed and cooled. They have a shiny, oily appearance and are either black or dark brown in colour; this shine may be seen on the surface of the beans and can persist in the brewed coffee as well. The acidity and delicate flavour of the beans are mostly lost in darkly roasted coffee. The flavour is mostly smokey and frequently harsh, and there is less body. Espresso is often made with dark roast beans, which many people love.

Dark roast beans go by a lot of different names. Italian, French, Spanish, Continental, and Espresso roasts are just a few examples.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Cold Brew Latte

Let's keep things simple, even if we've touched on the essentials for cold brew. If you want to make a delicious cold brew, try these tips.

1. First, Filter Your Water

If you don't filter your water, your coffee will have an off flavour, lack of flavour, or even horrible flavour. Any coffee recipe should not include hard water, despite the fact that it is a typical occurrence in modern homes.

Using a pitcher with a water filter will produce better results. An other option is to equip your sink nozzle with a removable filter.

2.Calculate Your Coffee-to-Water Ratio

Come on, pull out that measuring cup! A good rule of thumb is to use one cup of coffee for every six to eight glasses of water, but feel free to tweak this proportion to suit your preferences.

If you want your cold brew to be more concentrated and taste more like coffee, use a bit less water. Contrarily, adding more water will water down the taste. Feel free to try some new things!

3. As Coarsely As Possible Grind Your Coffee

You want your coffee to be as raw and jagged as your French press. This makes it possible for it to absorb steadily over a larger surface area.

Try a small amount of coffee grounds at first if you're not sure how much to grind. To familiarise yourself with their distinctions, study them using your senses of sight, smell, and touch.

4. Use Water At Room Temperature

The name "cold brew" is a little misleading. The water you use to boil it should be lukewarm, not cold, so you may enjoy it ice cold.

This method of brewing guarantees that unusual flavours, such as bitterness and acidity, will be kept to a minimum. Water should never be more than 70 degrees, therefore make sure to use a thermometer.

5. Wait Between 18 And 20 Hours

In this case, there is some variation in the cold brewing steeping technique. A solid baseline is eighteen hours, although you can tweak the flavour by adding or subtracting a few hours.

If you don't steep your cold brew for long enough, the flavour will be flat. This occurred because the ground beans were not allowed adequate time to release all of their flavour compounds. 

Oversteeping, on the other hand, can cause the coffee to be overextracted. If your coffee has a sour or cough syrupy flavour, it has been overextracted.

While your cold brew steeps, you might want to leave it out on the counter. Cool it down when it's finished!

6. Sip Your New Favourite Drink

Your cold brewed beverage is ready; raise a glass and savour. One can enjoy cold brew on its own or add milk, syrup, chocolate, or caramel.

Flavor Variations in Cold Brew Lattes

The use of cold brew in place of espresso in latte recipes completely changes the coffee game. We will explain why: 

  • Incredibly smooth. A kinder approach to extract coffee components is to steep coffee grinds in cold water instead of boiling water. There will be less acidity and more of a smooth, mild coffee flavour than when the coffee is served hot. 
  • This is easy. You can prepare a good cup of coffee without using an espresso machine or any other fancy equipment.
  • In some ways, it's lenient. If you have older coffee beans or ones that were too bitter in your previous hot brew, this is a wonderful way to savour them because the flavours are usually more subdued. 

Using cold-brewed coffee in your latte is an easy, tasty, and waste-reducing alternative to hot-brewed coffee. 

Substitutions And Ingredients

  • Coarse-ground coffee beans (any roast will do) or cold brew concentrate: our favourite is dark roast. Make sure it is coarsely ground whether you are grinding it yourself or having your coffee ground. You can find cold brew concentrate in the grocery store if you choose not to brew your own cold brew coffee.
  • We suggest a plant-based milk substitute, but you can use whatever milk you usually have on hand. 
  • Sugar or other liquid sweetener—we went with simple syrup for our traditional cold brew latte, but you can be creative! 
  • Add more vanilla extract if you'd like it with a hint of that famous Starbucks flavour. To get the most out of it, use alcohol-free vanilla extract. 

Choosing The Ideal Milk

Although whole milk is the traditional ingredient in cold brew lattes, it seems you would enjoy using one of the following milks instead:

  • Soy milk: When considering the nutritional value, ecological impact, and taste of organic soy milk, we find that unsweetened varieties are best. Even though it may have a somewhat gritty texture, soy milk is creamy and has a slightly nutty flavour. 
  • Oat milk: Oat milk has the silkiest texture due to the oats' creamy fibre. Oat milks are often sweetened or flavoured with vanilla because of how delicate the flavour is. The most flavorful alternative to dairy milk in a latte might be oat milk.
  • Almond milk: The thinnest with the nuttiest flavour. When we're looking for a subtle flavour, we love to utilise this milk because it's not particularly calorie dense. If you pour it into your coffee, it creates lovely swirls, too! 

This is only scratching the surface of the many delicious plant-based milk options; the good news is there are many more! 

Nutritional Profile of a Cold Brew Latte

The Coffee Bean 12 oz Vanilla Bean Cold Brew Latte (1 serving) contains 26g total carbs, 26g net carbs, 5g fat, 5g protein, and 170 calories.

A Cold Brew Latte is a popular coffee beverage that combines cold brew coffee with milk. Here's a discussion of its nutritional aspects, including calorie content and potential health benefits:

Calorie Content

  • The calorie content of a Cold Brew Latte can vary based on factors such as the type and amount of milk used, sweeteners, and any additional flavorings. Generally, it is lower in calories compared to traditional hot lattes, especially if made with low-fat or plant-based milk alternatives.

Cold Brew Coffee

  • Cold brew coffee is known for its smooth, less acidic taste compared to hot brewed coffee. It is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold or room temperature water for an extended period, usually 12-24 hours. This process extracts the flavors without the bitterness associated with hot brewing.

Milk or Milk Alternatives

  • The choice of milk significantly influences the nutritional profile. Whole milk will add more calories and fat, while skim or plant-based alternatives like almond or oat milk may reduce both. These milks can contribute to the beverage's creaminess and nutrient content.


  • Some Cold Brew Lattes may include sweeteners such as sugar, syrups, or artificial sweeteners. These can contribute to the overall calorie count. Opting for unsweetened versions or using natural sweeteners may be a healthier choice.

Health Benefits

  • Antioxidants: Cold brew coffee, like hot coffee, contains antioxidants that may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Caffeine Boost: The caffeine in cold brew can provide a moderate energy boost and improve alertness.
  • Reduced Acidity: Cold brew is often gentler on the stomach than hot coffee, making it a preferable choice for individuals with acid sensitivity.


  • Portion Size: Like any beverage, moderation is key. Larger portions can contribute to higher calorie intake.
  • Added Ingredients: Be mindful of added ingredients like whipped cream, flavored syrups, or excessive sweeteners, as they can increase calorie and sugar content.


  • The nutritional content can be tailored based on personal preferences. Experimenting with different milks, sweeteners, or flavorings allows for customization while being mindful of nutritional goals.

A Cold Brew Latte can be a refreshing and flavorful beverage with a potentially lower calorie count compared to its hot counterparts. Its nutritional profile can be further enhanced by mindful choices regarding milk, sweeteners, and portion sizes. Incorporating it into a balanced diet can contribute to a satisfying coffee experience with potential health benefits.

Best Milk Choices for Cold Brew Latte

Can you add soy, coconut, oat, or almond milk? Yes, you can. And, these sorts of milk might be even better for cold brew, at least if you want to add it directly to the cold brew. 

These sorts of milk are often less dominant in their taste, and therefore, adding it to the cold brew won’t ruin the coffee.

It is time to explore the top alternatives to milk now. We haven't ranked them in any particular order; each has their own set of advantages and disadvantages. You should choose the milk that works best for you.

1. Almond Milk

The non-dairy milk that has gained the most popularity is almond milk. For many years, it has been a beloved cereal bowl and coffee shop staple. Almond milk's calorie count is its most notable quality, which has made it a popular choice among dieters.

Because it has zero saturated fat and very little overall fat, almond milk is an excellent choice for those watching their fat intake. Get a brand that doesn't have any added sugars, please.

Due to its distinctive flavour, almond milk is also a popular choice. Almond milk is perfect for flavouring anything because its wonderful nuttiness is fairly obvious. This Honey Almond Milk Cold Brew, for instance, is fantastic since it relies so heavily on the almond flavour.

2. Oat Milk

The moment this hip milk substitute hit store shelves, its popularity skyrocketed. People are going crazy with this incredible milk substitute, even though it wasn't popular until relatively recently and wasn't invented until the 1990s.

Oat milk is similar to conventional milk in that it contains calcium and vitamin D, but its flavour is the true reason for its popularity. It goes well with coffee and lattes because of its rich creaminess without being too strong in flavour. Furthermore, baristas love oat milk for its distinctive foaming ability, which is similar to ordinary milk.

Plus, oat milk is the greenest kind of milk there is. Compared to conventional milk, it requires 60% less energy and produces 80% fewer greenhouse gases. Compared to other types of milk, it utilises the least amount of water and 80 percent less land.

In general, oat milk is rather popular, particularly in the coffee industry. This dairy-free milk alternative is a game-changer, whether you're making iced lattes or cappuccinos.

3. Soy Milk

Almond and oat milk have surpassed soy milk as the most popular milk alternatives, although soy milk did hold that position for a while. As a coffee creamer, soy milk is ideal due to its sweetness and velvety texture. Soy milk may not be ideal for your latte because it does not foam very nicely.

When it comes to protein content, soy milk is the sole substitute for cow's milk. On average, there are seven grammes of protein in one serving of cow's milk and six grammes in one serving of soy milk. That is a bold claim, especially when compared to the one or two grammes of protein included in the majority of milk substitutes.

4. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk holds a unique position in the non-dairy realm, despite its relative lack of popularity compared to the alternatives we've discussed thus far. Its sweet coconut flavour is loved by many for its pleasantness and deliciousness.

Keto dieters love this milk since it has more fat than other milk alternatives. It's a good source of calcium, vitamin D, vitamins A, E, and B12, among other essential elements. It tastes excellent, is easy to find, and has a lot of healthy nutrients.

5. Cashew Milk

Cashew milk is another well-liked nut milk. The velvety texture and nuanced flavour of cashew milk have brought it widespread renown. If you love the nutty taste of almond milk but wish it had a fuller mouthfeel, this is the perfect milk for you.

In terms of nutritional value, cashew milk is comparable to almond milk; however, it contains slightly more iron and vitamin K. Its low calorie count is another reason why it's so popular. For bakers looking to eliminate dairy from their handcrafted treats, cashew milk is a great alternative.

Although cashew milk has many health benefits, it isn't the most eco-friendly option since its production uses a lot of water, just like almond milk.

6. Hemp Milk

Even though hemp milk isn't always easy to find, you should give it a shot if you do find it in stores. People who are allergic to nuts often choose it, but that's not where its true allure lies.

Compared to other types of milk, hemp milk is much thicker, which is a pleasant quality. A lot of cafes stock it because it steams nicely. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as calcium, are abundant in it.

7. Rice Milk

Another dairy substitute that deserves attention is rice milk, which can be difficult to locate in stores but is worth the search. Milling brown rice yields rice milk, which is nutritionally comparable to cow's milk thanks to calcium fortification.

The fact that rice milk mimics the flavour of cow's milk the most makes it stand out among milk substitutes. It's a good starting point for those who want to move into milk replacements gradually because it's creamy and smooth.

Cold Brew Latte in Cuisine

In the vibrant tapestry of Filipino cuisine and lifestyle, the cold brew latte has gracefully woven itself into the fabric, offering a refreshing twist to traditional flavors and dining experiences. 

This trend is not merely a passing fad but a culinary evolution, as discerning palates embrace the cool sophistication of cold brew lattes. 

Filipino chefs and home cooks alike are incorporating this chilled concoction into their repertoire, infusing it with local twists that pay homage to the rich gastronomic heritage. From adding a hint of calamansi for a citrusy zing to experimenting with coconut milk for a tropical infusion, the cold brew latte has become a canvas for creativity. 

Beyond the culinary realm, it has seamlessly integrated into the lifestyle of Filipinos, serving as a stylish and energizing companion for social gatherings, work meetings, and leisurely afternoons. 

As the cold brew latte continues to permeate Filipino culture, it not only tantalizes taste buds but also embodies a modern fusion of global trends with the warmth of local hospitality.

Serving and Presentation Tips

Creating an aesthetically pleasing presentation for a cold brew latte involves attention to detail and creativity. Here are some tips to enhance the visual appeal of your cold brew latte:

Glassware Matters

Choose a stylish and transparent glass to showcase the layers of your cold brew latte. Mason jars, tulip glasses, or even a simple highball glass can work well.

Layering Technique

If your cold brew latte has layers, such as milk at the bottom and cold brew on top, pour each layer with care. This creates a visually appealing contrast. Use a slow and steady pour to achieve clean and distinct layers.

Ice Cube Design

Consider using decorative or flavored ice cubes to add an extra element to your presentation. You can freeze coffee or milk into ice cubes or add edible flowers and herbs for a unique touch.

Garnish Creatively

Garnish the top of your cold brew latte with ingredients that complement the flavors. This could include a sprinkle of cinnamon, cocoa powder, or a few coffee beans. Edible flowers or a citrus twist can also add a pop of color.

Whipped Cream Art

If your cold brew includes whipped cream, use it as a canvas for some latte art. Create simple designs like hearts or swirls to make your drink visually appealing.

Drizzle with Syrups

Drizzle syrups on top of the foam or whipped cream to create visually pleasing patterns. Caramel, chocolate, or even a fruit syrup can add both flavor and aesthetics.

Pairing Cold Brew Latte with Food

If you've been enjoying cold brew coffee for a while, you might want to try something new. This is easily accomplished by serving your bottle of flavorful cold brew alongside some delectable goodies. Here are some of the most delicious things to eat with cold brew coffee.

1. Cinnamon

You may enhance the caffeine in your cold brew by adding cinnamon. Add a burst of flavour and a whole new level of aroma to your coffee with cinnamon's robust and deep aroma. Also, cinnamon has a lot of health advantages, so it's a great addition to cold brew. 

First of all, it's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and contains antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial characteristics.

It is strongly recommended to add cinnamon barks or cinnamon extract powder to your coffee if you have breathing problems or a runny nose. 

In addition to facilitating better breathing and energy levels, it offers the additional advantage of opening up your sinuses and airways. If you can get your nasal passages cleansed, you'll enjoy cold brew coffee even more!

2. Honey & Milk

Although many are concerned about the negative effects of sugar on their health, there are plenty who enjoy a sweeter coffee flavour. Honey and milk make the ideal complement to cold brew coffee for those who fall into this category of coffee lovers!

One great technique to enjoy sweet coffee without the harmful sugar is to mix cold brew with milk and honey. In addition to improving cholesterol levels, alleviating gastrointestinal issues, and speeding up your metabolism, it can do more. 

On top of that, the combination of honey and milk is so potent and flavorful that it can make you drink more cold brew coffee than you normally would.

3. Baked Goods

In the morning, nothing goes better than a freshly baked good and a steaming mug of coffee. Did you know, though, that cold brew coffee goes wonderfully with baked goods? Brioche, shortbread, bagels, and blueberry muffins are the finest baked items to go with cold brew coffee.

4. Grilled Cheese

Grilled cheese is one of those hidden gems that pairs wonderfully with coffee. It may not have the same timeless appeal as baked pastries, but it's still a top pick for coffee companions. 

A robust bottle of cold brew coffee pairs wonderfully with a sandwich of crunchy toasted bread and gooey cheese. The savoury, buttery, and sharp flavours of cold brew go wonderfully with the nutty, sweet, and savoury grilled cheese sandwich.

DIY Cold Brew Latte Recipes

There are only three simple steps to make this cold brew iced latte at home:

  • Create iced tea twelve to twenty-four hours before the event. Finish by straining and adding sugar, honey, syrup, or any other sweetener to taste.
  • Pour chilled milk into a glass and top with ice.
  • Pour the iced tea over the top and serve right away.

Please refer to the recipe card that is attached to this post for precise directions and measurements.

If you want to take this iced coffee to the next level, try these suggestions:

Put the coffee mixture in the fridge at least one hour before serving if you want your cold brew latte extremely cold. 

The same amount of time in the fridge will also cold the glass. On the other hand, you may just fill the glass with ice and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes to cool. Pour in the cold brew and milk, then top with new ice cubes.

Always taste the coffee first (the amount of decaf coffee needed varies greatly from one brand to another) and add a little more than regular instant coffee.

Be careful to put the milk first, then the ice cubes, and lastly the cold brew carefully over the ice cubes to make the lovely layers of coffee and milk. Remain still.

To make a frothy topping, whip some additional milk in a covered container for a minute or two until it foams, then pour it over the chilled drink.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between Cold Brew and Cold Brew Latte?

Cold Brew is coffee brewed with cold water over an extended period, resulting in a concentrated coffee. Cold Brew Latte incorporates this concentrate with milk, creating a creamier and milder drink.

Does Cold Brew Latte have more caffeine than regular coffee?

Cold Brew Latte can have more caffeine than traditional hot coffee due to the higher concentration of coffee in the cold brew concentrate. However, the caffeine content depends on the brewing ratio and the type of beans used.

How long does it take to make Cold Brew Latte?

Making Cold Brew Latte at home typically takes a few minutes if you already have cold brew concentrate prepared. If not, brewing the cold brew coffee can take 12-24 hours, depending on your preferred strength.

What milk is best for Cold Brew Latte?

The choice of milk for Cold Brew Latte is subjective and depends on personal preference. Common options include whole milk, almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk.

Can I sweeten Cold Brew Latte?

Yes, you can sweeten Cold Brew Latte with sugar, honey, syrups, or other sweeteners. Adjust the sweetness according to your taste preferences.

Is Cold Brew Latte served hot?

No, Cold Brew Latte is served over ice, making it a cold and refreshing beverage. It's not typically heated like traditional lattes.


Cold brew latte is a popular and refreshing coffee beverage that has gained widespread popularity in recent years. Unlike traditional hot brewed coffee, cold brew is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for an extended period, typically 12 to 24 hours. 

This slow extraction process results in a smoother, less acidic coffee concentrate that is then diluted with milk or a milk alternative to create a cold brew latte. The choice of milk adds creaminess to the beverage, and sweeteners or flavorings can be included according to personal preference. 

The cold brew latte is known for its bold flavor profile, lower acidity, and the versatility to be customized to individual taste preferences. Whether enjoyed on a hot summer day or as a pick-me-up in the morning, the cold brew latte has become a go-to choice for coffee enthusiasts seeking a refreshing and satisfying caffeinated drink.

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