Does Matcha Latte Have Caffeine?

Relaxation washes over you as you sit in your favourite spot at a busy café and enjoy a cup of freshly brewed matcha latte. The velvety green liquid in your cup is a sight to behold, and the earthy, slightly sweet aroma is a treat for the nose. 

When you take that first sip, a kaleidoscope of flavors dances across your tongue. Enjoying a matcha latte is pure bliss.

This emerald elixir has recently taken the beverage industry by storm, becoming a favourite among those concerned with their health and well-being. Its unique flavor comes from a combination of steamed milk and finely ground green tea leaves, and it has been praised for its possible health benefits

The question of whether or not matcha latte contains caffeine, however, remains on the minds of many matcha fans.

This seemingly inconsequential question is actually quite important when making decisions about what to drink on a daily basis. Caffeine in your matcha latte may affect your alertness, concentration, and general health. 

Let's go on an adventure to find out how much caffeine is in a matcha latte and discover why this ancient Japanese elixir has captured the attention of health-conscious coffee drinkers today.

Does Matcha Latte Have Caffeine?

Matcha does contain caffeine, although it's less than most cups of coffee. On average, a cup of matcha contains about 70mg of caffeine, in comparison to 100-140mg in a cup of coffee.

In a nutshell: it is contextual. Matcha, like green tea, contains caffeine—about 28 milligrammes for an 8-ounce serving. However, matcha has more caffeine than your average cup of green tea because it is made by ingesting the tea leaves themselves.

According to nutritionist and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans, RD, the amount of caffeine in a cup of matcha can vary, just like the amount of caffeine in other teas or even coffee! 

There are about 70 milligrams of caffeine in an eight-ounce cup of matcha if you use one teaspoon of matcha powder. It "could have a little less or more" depending on how strong one prefers their cup, she says.

Origin of Matcha: A Brief Overview

The perfect preparation of tea became an exercise of devotion that honored the beauty found among the otherwise flawed world, and matcha was introduced to Japan in the 1100s by a Zen Buddhist monk who had studied in China and brought tea seeds back with him. 

Powdered, as was the custom at the time, the ceremony tea was whisked with a bamboo brush into boiling water, leaving the leaves suspended in the frothy water to be consumed rather than strained out, as is done with steeped tea.

The word "matcha" is a combination of the Japanese words for "to rub, to daub, to paint," which is matsu, and "tea," which is cha. Matcha can only be harvested from tea plants that have been grown in the shade, where they can absorb more light and produce more chlorophyll for a more vibrant green color. 

Young Camellia sinensis plants are picked only for their buds and the top three leaves. To prevent further oxidation, the tea leaves are steamed before being deveined and ground in stone mills. Matcha is one of the most expensive types of tea because of the time and care required to produce it.

Caffeine levels in matcha are higher than those in other green teas. Moderate consumption improves memory and perception, and its high antioxidant content makes it a nutritious supplement that may help prevent cancer. The catechins in matcha have been linked to benefits including lower blood pressure and lessening the effects of dietary cholesterol.

Matcha has a flavor that is slightly nutty, grassy, and bitter. Ceremonial-grade matcha in Japan is the highest possible quality, and is meant to be consumed without any additions other than water. 

A slightly more bitter variety of matcha, known as culinary grade matcha, is used in ice cream and blended with milk to create a latte-like beverage. Matcha is also a component of some mixed drinks. Matcha is now widely available in health food stores, gourmet coffee shops, and even Whole Foods Markets outside of Japan.

Matcha vs. Regular Green Tea

Art of Tea's experts explain how Matcha is different from regular green tea and what sets each type of green tea apart.

1. Processing

Matcha tea is grown in a different way than regular green tea. Matcha tea is grown in the shade for three weeks prior to harvest, while green tea is grown in the sun. In contrast to the bright green of matcha tea, which is grown, green tea grows a dull green with a brownish tone. Matcha gets its vibrant colour from an increase in chlorophyll, which is produced in the shade.

Green tea is machine-cut and transported quickly to a processing facility, where steaming stops the fermentation process. A revolving machine then blow-dries the leaves. Matcha is made from the finest green tea leaves that have been carefully picked by hand. After the leaves have had their veins and stems removed, they are stone-ground into a fine powder called matcha.

2. Taste

Green tea has a mild, refreshing flavour with grassy or earthy overtones and, depending on how it's brewed, a slightly bitter aftertaste. Because the flavour is extracted slowly over several hours, cold-brew green tea is much more mellow. Matcha tea is a fine powder with a more robust, sweeter taste and a foamy mouthfeel.

3. Preparation

Both of these teas taste great both hot and cold. To make iced Matcha, instead of steeping green tea leaves in hot water, you simply whisk in the Matcha or shake it in our Matcha Shaker. Green tea tastes best when steeped in water between 180 and 185 degrees Fahrenheit for three minutes. 

If you use boiling water to brew your tea, the tannins in the leaves may release an astringent flavor. Green teas of a higher quality can be re-steeped twice or three times without losing flavor. For best results, use about 1 tsp in an 8-ounce cup.

4. Nutrition

Matcha tea is prepared by grinding the entire leaf into a fine powder, which is then whisked into hot water, preserving all of the tea's natural nutrients. 

Some of the health benefits of green tea are lost when the leaves are steeped in hot water and then thrown away in the trash along with the used tea bag or loose tea. Here is a look at the nutritional differences between matcha and green tea:


Catechins are potent antioxidants that may boost metabolism and endurance and decrease exposure to disease-causing free radicals and toxins.

Matcha – 134 milligrams (depending on the amount of Matcha used)

Green tea – 63 milligrams (depending on the amount of Green Tea used)


Tannins, also called polyphenols, are plant-derived micronutrients that are commonly found in beverages like tea and wine.

Matcha – 99 milligrams (depending on the amount of Matcha used)

Green tea – 7 milligrams (depending on the amount of Green Tea used)

Amino Acids

As an amino acid, L-theanine provides an energy boost similar to that of caffeine without the subsequent drowsiness. This amino acid has been linked to enhanced cognition, memory, and originality.

Matcha – 45 milligrams (depending on the amount of Matcha used)

Green tea – 3 milligrams (depending on the amount of Green Tea used)


Caffeine content in Matcha is significantly higher than in green tea. Green tea contains between 15 and 48mg of caffeine per 8 ounce serving. 

The steeping time has an effect on this measurement. The caffeine content increases with steeping time. Caffeine levels decrease with each subsequent steeping of tea.

Matcha – approximately 280 milligrams (depending on the amount of Matcha used)

Green Tea – approximately 35 milligrams (depending on the amount of Green Tea used and how long the tea is steeped)

Science Behind Caffeine in Matcha

With matcha, the caffeine is absorbed and released slowly by the body over a period of 6-8 hours. This means that matcha provides a sustainable energy boost without the rapid 30-minute spike, slump, and jitters associated with coffee.

The amino acid theanine is found only in tea, and no other plant produces it. Matcha has the highest concentration of theanine because the plantations are shaded prior to harvest, increasing the levels of amino acids. 

Matcha drinkers can achieve a great "zen" state thanks to theanine's calming and focusing effects on the brain (increased alpha waves). Theanine has been shown in controlled experiments to have a calming effect on the brain and to enhance memory by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. 

This is a great beverage for students and working adults because theanine causes an increase in alpha brain waves 40 minutes after consumption.

Per serving, matcha has more vitamins and antioxidants than goji and acai berries combined (3.25mg calcium, 1.85mg vitamin C, 20.5mg potassium, and 274mg protein). 

One bowl of matcha is equivalent to about ten cups of regular green tea, as measured by volume. Because unlike brewing green tea by simply submerging the leaf in hot water, which extracts only about 10% of the plant's nutrients, matcha powder uses the entire leaf.

Although both matcha and coffee are effective in promoting alertness, the theanine in matcha allows the caffeine to be more effectively channeled towards enhancing focus and concentration.

Effects of Caffeine from Matcha

Caffeine derived from matcha offers a unique set of benefits that distinguish it from caffeine found in other sources. Here's a detailed look at the effects of matcha-derived caffeine on the body:

  • Sustained Energy without Jitters: One of the standout qualities of matcha-derived caffeine is its ability to provide a sustained release of energy. Unlike the rapid spike and subsequent crash often associated with other sources of caffeine, matcha delivers a more gradual and sustained boost. This can lead to improved focus and productivity without the jittery side effects.
  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Matcha contains a specific type of caffeine known as theophylline, which has a calming effect on the brain. This can enhance cognitive function by promoting alertness and concentration, without inducing restlessness or anxiety.
  • Mood and Alertness Boost: The combination of caffeine and amino acid L-theanine found in matcha creates a unique synergy. L-theanine has relaxing and mood-enhancing properties, which can counterbalance the stimulating effects of caffeine. This results in a state of alert calmness, providing mental clarity and improved mood.
  • Antioxidant Properties: Matcha is renowned for its high content of antioxidants, particularly catechins. These compounds offer a range of health benefits, including the protection of cells from oxidative damage. When combined with caffeine, the antioxidant effect is further amplified, potentially providing a more comprehensive protective shield for the body.
  • Fat Oxidation and Metabolism Kickstart: Matcha contains a type of catechin called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been studied for its potential to boost metabolism and support weight loss. When coupled with caffeine, these effects can be even more pronounced. The combination may promote the oxidation of fat for energy, making matcha a potential aid for those seeking to manage their weight.

Comparatively, caffeine from other sources like coffee or energy drinks may deliver a more immediate and intense energy surge, but it can also be accompanied by jitteriness, increased heart rate, and a crash once the effects wear off. Matcha's unique blend of caffeine and L-theanine provides a smoother and more sustained energy lift, while also offering a range of additional health benefits.

The effects of caffeine from matcha are characterized by sustained energy, enhanced cognitive function, mood and alertness improvement, potent antioxidant properties, and a potential boost to fat metabolism. These benefits, coupled with its unique composition, make matcha a compelling choice for individuals seeking a balanced and healthful caffeine source.

Factors Determining Caffeine Content in Matcha

Caffeine is found in all varieties of green tea. Caffeine is produced by tea plants as a chemical defense mechanism to ward off pests. However, humans have the opposite reaction, drinking tea for its flavor, caffeine content, and health benefits.

Matcha and other green teas' caffeine content depends on a number of variables, including but not limited to:

Given these variables, it's easy to see why matcha and other green teas can have such a wide range in their caffeine content. Furthermore, not every tea is the same. Therefore, we will restrict our discussion of the caffeine content of matcha and other green teas to premium brands, such as those sold by Mizuba Tea Co.

Top Ways to Enjoy Matcha Latte

The next time you drink something with matcha, what will it be? Try to find the one that appeals to your sense of taste the most.

Hot Tea (traditional or non-traditional)

Matcha, like other teas, is typically brewed and served hot. You should try it this way first to get a feel for matcha on its own, even though it's a little different to make and doesn't require a steeping time. 

However, you are not limited to using the bowl (chawan) and bamboo whisk (chasen) that are traditionally used to prepare matcha. If you don't have a teapot, you can use another appliance (like an electric frother or a blender) to make your tea silky and lump-free in a mug.

Iced Matcha

If the robust grassy or bitter flavor of your freshly brewed matcha leaves you cold, try cooling it with some icing instead. Matcha tea, like regular tea, can be iced for a refreshing drink on a hot day. Matcha can be enjoyed cold by whisking it like you would a hot tea and then pouring it over ice. You can also put your matcha in a bottle and shake it with just cold water. That's all there is to it!

Matcha Latte (hot or cold)

Matcha lattes are a popular alternative for those who aren't big fans of the drink on its own. The addition of steamed milk to matcha prepared in the traditional manner for either hot or iced tea enhances the experience. 

Since milk and sugar in the latte version mitigate bitterness, it is ideal for matcha grades that are lower in quality. Furthermore, any type of milk can be used to make a latte. Milk alternatives include soy, almond, coconut, and whole milk. You can always order a different matcha latte if you didn't like the first one.

Matcha Smoothie

The health benefits of matcha can be amplified by adding a teaspoon or two to your morning smoothie. The flavor of the powdered green tea may be muted by the other ingredients in the smoothie. 

If you're intrigued by matcha and its antioxidant properties, but have yet to find a brand that you enjoy drinking on its own, a matcha smoothie may be the solution. The tea may be disguised by the other ingredients, but its beneficial effects are not.

Matcha Slushie

In the warmer months, We always reach for a matcha slushie. A quick and easy drink can be made by simply freezing some matcha powder in ice cube trays. We highly recommend matcha slushies to anyone who enjoys iced or cold matcha beverages. Matcha, water, and a sugar or sweetener of your choosing are all that's needed.

Matcha Mojito (Mocktail or Cocktail)

If a dish doesn't excite your taste buds on its own, feel free to add something else. The ideal illustration of this is a matcha mojito. The foundation of a good mojito is muddled mint and lime. Finish it off with some matcha that's been subtly sweetened, lime juice, and ice for a refreshing drink that will leave you craving more.

Myths and Misconceptions Surrounding Matcha and Caffeine

Those unfamiliar with matcha are prone to making misunderstandings about it. I was recently having tea with the locals in Austin, Texas, which is known as the "health capital" of the Lone Star State. Many Texans are familiar with matcha, but every time I spoke about it, I was met with one of five common misunderstandings about the vibrant jade green elixir. Let's clear the air a bit!

Myth One: All Matcha Tastes Bitter

While I have tried matcha that was so bitter it caused hair to sprout on my chest, you can find matcha that is sweet and smooth if you look for it. Matcha can taste bitter during a tea ceremony if the water-to-tea ratio is off or if the matcha is of poor quality. In particular when done in Japan as part of a tourist itinerary. 

Since the Japanese can drink matcha with a much stronger flavor than most Westerners can, we'll need to tone down the intensity a bit. The best way to guarantee a sweet cup of matcha is to invest in a higher quality of matcha, and this is typically motivated by cost. 

Make the matcha by adding 1 gram of matcha to 75 to 100 milliliters of water, and then gradually increasing the amount of matcha until you reach your preferred flavor. Chiki Tea's bold shot consists of 3 grams of Yame matcha whisked into 75 ml of water that has been preheated to no more than 80°C (176°F).

Myth Two: Matcha Has Too Much Caffeine

Matcha does contain caffeine, but the question is how the body handles it. For more information on the caffeine dilemma, you can read an article I wrote about it. Matcha's high polyphenol content and other beneficial compounds help to moderate the rate at which the caffeine it contains is metabolized. 

This means that you will feel energized but not jittery, and that you will be able to stay calmly alert for a longer period of time without resorting to another dose. However, coffee's rapid rise and subsequent decline make it seem like you need to constantly replenish your supply.

Myth Three: Matcha is Expensive

The antioxidant and detoxifying properties of matcha stem from its high nutrient density. Matcha is a nutritious beverage with many health benefits. The higher the price of matcha, the smoother the texture and the better the taste, in the eyes of most Japanese, and in mine as well. 

While it's true that you can spend more money to get more nutrients, this is difficult to prove because so little research has been done on the topic. The cost of matcha depends on its grade. There are a few different varieties and price points within each of the three main grades available on the market today: ceremonial, premium, and culinary. 

You should try a few different grades before settling on one. You can easily locate a matcha that satisfies both your budget and taste preferences. Like wine, but not quite. Wine comes in many forms, from the aged and refined to the cheap and gulpable.

Myth Four: Matcha is Hard to Make

A matcha preparation bowl and bamboo whisk are nice to have, but they aren't required to make a delicious cup of matcha. Matcha powder can be suspended in water in a number of different ways, including by placing the powder in a sealed container and vigorously shaking it. 

I've seen it made in both blenders and Nespresso Aeroccino machines. Matcha lattes at Starbucks are made by adding milk and steaming it. But the matcha we're talking about isn't like their matcha, which is a sweetened blended drink mix. 

The froth won't be as good without a bamboo whisk, but if you're just trying to get the flavour and nutrients down your throat, that's fine. Use the matcha bowl and bamboo whisk if you want to pause your day to focus on the process of making matcha. The clarity of your mind will translate into a distinct difference in flavor.

Myth Five: All Matcha is for Drinking or Cooking

All matcha grades are safe for consumption and use in cooking. But the numbers don't add up for you! Matcha of ceremonial quality is crafted from the freshest, most flavorful leaves. The subtle and complex flavours would be lost if milk, eggs, or flour were added. 

Matcha of culinary quality, on the other hand, has a more robust taste so that it can compete with other flavours in your dishes. Imagine a ritual when preparing food and a toast when drinking.

Matcha Latte's Caffeine vs. Other Beverages

Matcha lattes, while growing in popularity, offer a unique caffeine experience compared to other well-loved beverages like coffee, black tea, and energy drinks. Matcha, made from powdered green tea leaves, typically contains lower caffeine levels than coffee and energy drinks, but slightly more than black tea. 

A standard 8-ounce matcha latte typically provides around 30-40 milligrams of caffeine, significantly less than the roughly 95 milligrams found in a similarly sized cup of brewed coffee or the substantial caffeine content of energy drinks that can range from 70-200 milligrams or more per serving. 

This distinction makes matcha lattes a preferred choice for those seeking a more balanced, sustained energy boost without the intense jitters or crash often associated with higher-caffeine options like coffee and energy drinks.

Additionally, matcha offers a unique blend of L-theanine, which can provide a calming effect and enhance alertness, creating a harmonious caffeine experience distinct from its counterparts.

How Much Matcha Latte is Too Much?

Although there are many benefits to drinking matcha, it is still important to control your intake.

It is advised that you should not consume more than three cups of matcha every day and that the maximum amount you should ever consume in one day is five cups. Of course, this is just the average person - some people may not be able to tolerate more than one or two cups of matcha tea per day.

Drinking in moderation is always the best policy, whether we're talking about water or a beverage that's high in caffeine, sugar, or alcohol. That way, you can be certain that you are receiving all the benefits of consuming the tea powder without risking any of its potential side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much caffeine is in matcha latte?

between 50-150 mg

Often a matcha latte is a drink served hot or on ice, made with matcha tea, water and milk. One serving typically contains 2-3 grams of matcha. This means one matcha latte typically provides somewhere between 50-150 mg of caffeine depending on the quality of the matcha powder.

Do Matcha lattes keep you awake?

Recent research suggests that the combination of L-theanine and another amino acid called GABA counteracts the aggressive stimulating effects of caffeine. Thus, matcha, with its far smoother caffeination, doesn't negatively impact sleep quality like other caffeine sources.

Is matcha latte very caffeinated?

Matcha and coffee, which has the higher caffeine content? Coffee contains more caffeine than matcha per serving. An average matcha latte contains an average of 63 mg of caffeine per serving. That's considerably less than the equivalent cup of coffee, which contains around 95 mg of caffeine.

Are Matcha lattes healthy?

Matcha contains the nutrients from the entire tea leaf and contains more caffeine and antioxidants than are typically present in green tea. Studies of matcha and its components have unearthed a variety of benefits, showing that it can help protect the liver, promote heart health, and even aid in weight loss.

Is it OK to drink matcha latte at night?

Overall, there is no one best time to have Matcha. If you love Matcha, feel free to enjoy it whenever you feel like a cup! The only time to avoid Matcha is right before sleeping. The effects of caffeine take time to wear off, so if you like to have Matcha in the evening, make sure you drink it several hours before bed!


Matcha latte is a popular beverage known for its unique flavor and potential health benefits. It is made by blending finely ground green tea leaves, known as matcha, with steamed milk. One of the key aspects to note about matcha latte is that it does contain caffeine. 

This caffeine content can vary depending on factors such as the amount of matcha used and the type of milk, but on average, an 8-ounce serving typically contains around 30-40 milligrams of caffeine. 

However, it's important to remember that the caffeine in matcha is different from that in coffee; it is accompanied by an amino acid called L-theanine, which can provide a more balanced and sustained energy boost. 

So, if you're wondering, "Does matcha latte have caffeine?" the answer is yes, it does, but in a way that's distinct from other caffeinated beverages.

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