Iced Latte vs Iced Coffee: A Refreshing Comparison

The debate between Iced Latte vs Iced Coffee has become a focal point for enthusiasts seeking the perfect chilled coffee experience.  These two beverages, while sharing a common base ingredient, diverge in key aspects that cater to distinct palates and preferences. 

An Iced Latte, characterized by espresso and cold milk, presents a creamy and indulgent profile, contrasting with the straightforward simplicity of Iced Coffee, brewed coffee served over ice.

As these beverages continue to dominate the market, understanding the difference between Iced Lattes and Iced Coffees becomes crucial for those exploring personal taste and health-conscious choices.


01. Defining Iced Latte and Iced Coffee

02. Key Ingredients: Iced Latte vs Iced Coffee

03. Preparation Methods Compared

04. Flavor Profiles: Latte vs Coffee

05. Nutritional Differences

06. Caffeine Content Analysis

07. Best Occasions for Each Beverage

08. Dairy and Non-Dairy Options

09. Impact on Digestive Health

10. Customization and Flavor Enhancements

11. Popular Variations

12. Pairing with Meals and Snacks

13. Making Iced Latte and Iced Coffee at Home

14. Frequently Asked Questions

15. Conclusion

Defining Iced Latte and Iced Coffee

The brewing process and the proportion of coffee to milk are the primary distinguishing features of an iced latte as opposed to an iced coffee. Our meaning is as follows: 

Brewing Method

Iced coffee can use any type of brewed coffee. The freshly brewed hot coffee is simply poured over ice and served.

Iced latte on the other hand uses only a shot of espresso. The espresso is mixed with milk and poured over ice.

Coffee To Milk Proportion

When making iced lattes, the ratio of coffee to milk is substantially higher than when making iced coffee. While milk isn't strictly necessary for iced coffee, it's always a personal choice. 

The exact opposite is true for iced lattes; they call for one part espresso to three parts milk and just wouldn't taste the same without the milk. 


Differences in flavour are inevitable given the vastly diverse components utilised to make iced lattes and iced coffee. 

An iced latte is characterised by a mild, milky taste with an undertone of coffee. Conversely, the addition of ice to coffee mildens its robust flavour while maintaining its distinctive aroma.

We hope that these distinctions have helped you make an easier decision between the iced coffee and iced latte.

Key Ingredients: Iced Latte vs Iced Coffee

The phrase "iced coffee" might not appear on the menu at your neighbourhood cafe. A whole menu dedicated to iced coffee beverages might be what you end up with instead.

"Iced coffee" on the menu usually means the first kind of iced coffee we discussed earlier, which is simply plain brewed coffee poured over ice.

Although this is not necessarily the case, we will use it as a comparative term since it is a common understanding of what an iced coffee is.

Iced lattes always have milk

In terms of ingredients, an iced latte is very different from an iced. Actually, ice cubes are the sole shared component!

An iced latte is made from espresso, milk and ice, while an iced coffee is (usually) made from brewed coffee and ice.

The defining feature of a regular latte is its milk content.

A latte consists of espresso with frothy milk foam on top and steaming milk on top.

While a double shot of espresso is the norm at speciality coffee shops, most cafes only provide one when customers order lattes.

However, iced coffee is not a beverage that often contains milk. While some coffee lovers may choose to top their iced coffee with a splash of milk, the amount of milk used is far less than that of an iced latte.

A Ratio Is Used In An Iced Latte

Like a cappuccino or flat white, a latte is characterised by the layers and proportions of milk, espresso, and milk froth.

Even though it's not easy to make an iced latte with these layers, you can get close by using a machine that makes cold foam to imitate the texture of a regular latte.

You can adjust the serving size of an iced coffee by adjusting the water amount. In the end, this determines how the coffee tastes, and it varies across coffee shops and brewing processes.

Whether the beans are roasted to a light or dark roast also makes a difference.

Iced Coffee Vs. Flavoured Iced Coffee

The sweetness of a hot latte carries over into an iced latte because milk is the main ingredient. Some coffee lovers even prefer their latte cold rather than hot.

There is usually a more noticeable "coffee flavour" in an iced coffee made with just water and coffee.

Naturally, the flavour of either coffee will be changed by adding sugar, coffee syrup, or any other additions.

The milk you use to make a classic iced latte will also have an impact on the flavour.

Whether served hot or cold, the flavour of a latte made with whole milk is vastly different from that of an oat milk or other dairy-free option.

Preparation Methods Compared

Cold Brew

Coarsely ground coffee beans are soaked in cold water using the cold brew method. In most cases, this procedure will take many hours, and in extreme cases, it could take a whole day. 

Since this brewing method does not include heat, the resulting beer has a less acidic profile, is smoother, and sweeter than other options.

In order to prepare cold brew coffee, please adhere to these steps:

  1. In a bowl, mix together the roughly ground coffee and cold water.
  2. Before adding the coffee grounds, give the mixture a good stir to dissolve them all.
  3. Set aside for 12 to 24 hours with the lid on.
  4. Remove the coffee grounds from the liquid by straining it through a paper, cloth, or metal filter.
  5. Repot the coffee concentrate into a new, empty container.
  6. Add water or milk to dilute the concentration to your taste.
  7. Top the cold brew coffee with ice and serve.

Iced Latte

In contrast, the iced latte technique uses a shot of espresso as its foundation, which amplifies the sweetness, creaminess, and subtle coffee flavour of the milk. 

Those that take their coffee seriously, whether they own a café or own a business, should invest in a commercial-grade espresso machine. In addition to facilitating flavour consistency, a high-quality machine ensures durability and dependability.

The standard procedure for making an iced latte is as follows:

  1. Use coffee beans that have been finely ground to make one shot of espresso.
  2. Let the espresso cool until it reaches room temperature.
  3. Get a glass full of ice.
  4. Add milk or a milk substitute, making sure to leave room for the espresso.
  5. Top up the glass with the cooled espresso shot.
  6. Make sure the espresso and milk are well combined by stirring the mixture.

The cold brew method yields a sweeter, less acidic, and smoother coffee, but it takes longer to brew. 

On the other hand, the iced latte method makes coffee that is mostly milky with hints of espresso. When compared to more conventional hot drinks, these two are a welcome change of pace, and their respective brewing techniques bring out the best in the coffee beans.

Flavor Profiles: Latte vs Coffee

Taste of Cold Brew

The extraction procedure is mostly responsible for cold brew's mellow, rich, and silky flavour. A less acidic and harsh flavour is achieved by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for a long duration, often 12-24 hours, during cold brewing.

Cold brew is more agreeable to those who may have an acidity sensitivity to other brewed coffees because of this acidity reduction. 

The natural qualities of the coffee beans are amplified and the flavour profile becomes richer and bolder as a result of the lengthy extraction procedure.

Taste of Iced Latte

The contrast is the unique flavour and texture of an iced latte, which combines the coffee flavour with the sweetness and creaminess of milk. A shot of espresso, some ice, and milk make an iced latte. A cold brew coffee has a stronger flavour than an iced latte because the milk dilutes the espresso. Sugar or sweetened creamer can be added to iced lattes to make them more balanced.

If you're looking for a stronger, more robust coffee flavour, go no further than cold brew. If you want something sweeter and creamier, an iced latte is the perfect choice. 

The flavour, acidity, bitterness, and power of these two drinks are the primary differentiating factors. Iced lattes are sweeter and creamier than cold brews, which are often stronger and less acidic.

Ultimately, it comes down to personal opinion when deciding between a cold brew and an iced latte. If you're looking for a strong, velvety, and less acidic coffee drink, go no further than the cold brew; if you prefer something sweeter, creamier, and more delicate, go no further than the iced latte.  

Nutritional Differences

Calories and Benefits of Cold Brew

The special method of making cold brew, which entails soaking coffee grinds in ice water for an extended length of time, has several positive effects on health. Beverage made with this approach has a distinct, robust flavour with a softer, less acidic texture.

Cold brew has several uses, but one of the most notable is the potential metabolic boost it may provide. Caffeine, which is present in cold brew at a higher concentration than in other varieties of coffee, boosts metabolic rate and makes it easier to burn calories. 

Depending on the beans used and the amount of milk or cream added, cold brew could also be lower in calories than other coffee beverages. Drinking cold brew unsweetened or with non-dairy milks will help you stick to your calorie-restricted diet.

Calories and Benefits of Iced Latte

One other popular cold coffee drink is the iced latte, which is produced by adding milk or cream to espresso or strong brewed coffee and then pouring the mixture over ice. Due to the acidity imparted by the hot water used to prepare the espresso or coffee, iced lattes differ from cold brew.

However, there are some health benefits to drinking iced lattes as well. The caffeine in iced lattes, for one, might make you feel more awake and energised. Caffeine is safe to drink in moderation and may even offer health benefits, like a decreased chance of cognitive decline and type 2 diabetes, thanks to its antioxidant qualities.

On the other hand, iced lattes might have more calories than just a regular cold brew. For the most part, this is because of the milk, cream, and flavouring syrups or sweets that are added. Consider using low-fat or non-dairy milk and reducing the amount of additional sugars or syrups in your iced lattes to cut back on calories.

Caffeine Content Analysis

Caffeine concentration and extraction techniques are key considerations when contrasting cold brew with iced latte. A variety of brewing methods, coffee-to-water ratios, and the addition of milk or other liquids can alter the caffeine level and flavour of these common coffee drinks.

Cold Brew Caffeine

To make cold brew, one must steep ground coffee beans in water that is either cold or room temperature for eight to twenty-four hours. 

The gentle brewing process keeps the coffee's mild flavour and aroma. Cold brewing usually yields stronger coffee than other methods since it requires less water for every tablespoon of coffee grounds. Around 200 milligrammes of caffeine is typically present in a 16-ounce (473 millilitre) cup of cold brew.

By incorporating milk, cream, or plant-based substitutes, one can modify the strength of cold brew. 

Diluting the brew in this way will reduce the caffeine content while simultaneously altering the coffee's flavour and body. Keep in mind that variables like coffee bean type, water-to-coffee ratio, and other variables can affect the actual caffeine amount of cold brew.

Iced Latte Caffeine

Contrarily, an iced latte begins with a shot of espresso, which is subsequently mixed with chilled milk and served over ice. Espresso is the main source of caffeine in iced lattes. Caffeine level is typically lower in iced lattes than in cold brews because of the diluting effects of the milk and water used to make them.

Factors like the amount of espresso shots used and the precise method of brewing espresso might affect the actual caffeine content in an iced latte. Caffeine content in espresso typically ranges from about 63 mg for a single shot to about 126 mg for a double shot.

In conclusion, iced lattes and cold brews are not the same thing; the two beverages' caffeine levels and extraction procedures are different. 

The higher coffee-to-water ratio and less water in cold brew mean that it typically has more caffeine than an iced latte. The amount of caffeine in these drinks might vary depending on a number of things, including the brewing process, the coffee beans used, and the amount of personalisation.

Best Occasions for Each Beverage

Morning Wake-Up Call: Iced Coffee

  • Start your day with a refreshing kick by opting for iced coffee. The bold and straightforward flavor is perfect for those who crave a strong caffeine boost to jumpstart their morning routine.

Afternoon Pick-Me-Up: Iced Latte

  • During the afternoon, when you may be looking for a smoother and creamier option, an iced latte is ideal. The combination of espresso and milk provides a balanced and satisfying flavor that's great for a midday energy boost without the intensity of a plain iced coffee.

Social Gatherings: Iced Latte

  • When socializing or meeting friends, an iced latte is a versatile choice. The milder taste and frothy texture make it a more universally appealing option, catering to a broader range of preferences.

Hot Afternoons: Iced Coffee

  • On a hot summer day, the simplicity and strong flavor profile of iced coffee can be particularly refreshing. The bold taste can cut through the heat and provide a cooling effect.

Dessert Pairing: Iced Latte

  • If you're enjoying a sweet treat or dessert, an iced latte complements the flavors well. The creaminess of the latte can balance out the sweetness, creating a delightful combination.

Work or Study Sessions: Iced Coffee

  • When you need a straightforward and no-nonsense caffeine boost for focus during work or study sessions, iced coffee is the go-to choice. Its strong flavor can help keep you alert and attentive.

Evening Relaxation: Iced Latte

  • As the day winds down, switch to an iced latte for a more soothing experience. The smoother taste and touch of creaminess can provide a relaxing way to enjoy coffee without the boldness of an iced coffee.

Remember, personal preferences play a significant role, so feel free to experiment and find what suits your taste buds and lifestyle best!

Dairy and Non-Dairy Options

Oat Milk

The process of making oat milk involves blending rolled oats with water until they become liquid, and then straining the mixture to remove any pulp. The colour is often a pale beige, and the scent is mild. 

Coffee lovers often opt for oat milk beverages because of their full-fat dairy milk-like flavour and somewhat sweet taste. 

Oat milk is a great addition to coffee. Without overpowering coffee, its subtle sweetness goes wonderfully with it. Oat milk can froth nicely, but it usually requires a bit more work. For those who prefer their coffee without dairy, this is a great alternative.

Almond Milk

Many coffee establishments now offer almond milk as an alternative to dairy products. This drink is made by soaking almonds, grinding them into a paste, and then straining the mixture to eliminate pulp and excess water. It resembles dairy milk in appearance and has a pale white hue.

You can find sweetened and unsweetened varieties of almond milk, which has a mild nutty flavour. Subtle bitter undertones and a gentle, delicate flavour characterise unsweetened almond milk. Because it mutes intense tastes, it complements coffee with bolder aromas and tastes. 

Use sweetened vanilla almond milk for blended or iced coffee drinks that are on the sweeter side.

In terms of texture, almond milk is quite thin and watery. Because of this, it is quite adaptable; it goes nicely with both iced and heated coffee. Although it requires a bit more effort owing to its low fat level, it can also be foamed and frothed.

Hemp Milk

The hemp seed is soaked and then blended with water to make hemp milk. Hemp milk tastes sweet like almond milk and has a nutty, earthy flavour despite being derived from seeds.

Additionally, hemp milk is creamy without being overly thick or heavy. It effortlessly dissolves into hot beverages and steams to perfection. You can also use it to make foam or froth, albeit the foam might not last long.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is made by shredding the inner meat of coconuts with water, then grinding it down and straining the mixture. Coconut milk can be either thick or thin. The two main packaging options for coconut milk are cans for thick coconut milk and cartons for thin coconut milk. You should get the carton variety for your coffee and regular use.

Coconut milk is comparable in consistency to cow's milk due to its high fat content and silky smooth texture. Creamy and luscious, it has an opaque white hue.

A beloved non-dairy alternative for coffee connoisseurs, this plant-based milk boasts a nutty, fruity scent and a sweet, coconut flavour. You have the option to buy it sweetened with extra flavouring agents or unsweetened. 

Coconut drinks go nicely with both hot and cold coffees because of their thick consistency. Cappuccinos and lattes made with thicker coconut milk will have a more frothy texture than those made with thinner, watered-down coconut milk.

Soy Milk

One of the earliest notable plant-based drinks to gain traction and become a popular substitute for conventional milk was soy milk. Soybeans are prepared by soaking, grinding, boiling, and filtering them. 

Soy milk has a thick, velvety consistency and is typically beige in colour. Cappuccinos and lattes, which have milk as the main ingredient, are popular espresso beverages made using these. 

A faint scent and acidic, neutral flavour characterise unsweetened soy milk. This is a great option for your morning coffee if you prefer a thick consistency without an overwhelming milk flavour. Soy drinks with added sugar are great if you prefer a thicker milk consistency with a touch more flavour.

Impact on Digestive Health

Both iced lattes and iced coffees can have various impacts on digestive health, especially for individuals with sensitivities. 

It's important to note that reactions to these beverages can vary among individuals, and factors such as personal tolerance, underlying health conditions, and the specific ingredients used can play a significant role.


  • Iced Coffee: Cold-brewed or iced coffee tends to be less acidic than hot coffee. However, for individuals with acid reflux or sensitive stomachs, the acidity in coffee can still be a concern.
  • Iced Latte: The addition of milk in iced lattes can help buffer the acidity of the coffee. However, dairy can be problematic for those who are lactose intolerant or have dairy sensitivities.

Lactose Sensitivity

  • Iced Coffee: Generally, black iced coffee does not contain lactose. It might be a safer option for those with lactose intolerance.
  • Iced Latte: The inclusion of milk in an iced latte can be problematic for individuals who are lactose intolerant. Lactose-free milk or non-dairy alternatives can be substituted to mitigate this issue.

Caffeine Sensitivity

  • Iced Coffee: Contains caffeine, which can stimulate acid production and, in some cases, lead to stomach discomfort or exacerbate conditions like acid reflux.
  • Iced Latte: The caffeine content is similar to iced coffee, but the presence of milk might slightly offset the stimulating effect on the stomach.

Sugar Content

  • Iced Coffee: Often consumed black, it typically contains no added sugars. However, flavored syrups or sweeteners can be added, increasing the sugar content.
  • Iced Latte: Depending on the type and amount of milk used, as well as any added flavorings or syrups, iced lattes may have a higher sugar content. Excessive sugar intake can contribute to digestive issues.

Artificial Additives

  • Iced Coffee: Some commercially available iced coffees may contain artificial additives or preservatives, which could be problematic for individuals with sensitivities.
  • Iced Latte: Flavored lattes may contain additional ingredients such as artificial flavorings or sweeteners, which could potentially trigger digestive discomfort in sensitive individuals.

Both iced lattes and iced coffees can impact digestive health, particularly for those with sensitivities. It's advisable for individuals with digestive issues to monitor their reactions to these beverages, consider alternative milk options, and be mindful of additives. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian can provide personalized advice based on individual health needs.

Customization and Flavor Enhancements

Popular Flavour Combinations

There is a wide selection of iced coffee and lattes flavours to satisfy everyone's cravings. There is a wide variety of flavoured syrups available at many cafes, Starbucks included. 

Vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut are some of the more traditional choices, while peppermint mocha and pumpkin spice are more seasonal. Flavour selection is subjective; experimenting with various blends might help one discover their ideal coffee-to-sugar ratio.

Alternatives to Milk and Sweeteners

There are a variety of milk and sweetener options for iced lattes and iced coffees to accommodate various dietary needs and individual preferences. To make your cold coffee drink just the way you like it, here are a few options:

  • Milk alternatives: All types of milk, including whole, skim, soy, almond, oat, and many more.
  • Sweeteners: sweetened condensed milk, sugar replacements (such as Stevia or Splenda), liquid sugar, traditional syrup, and sugar.

Iced Latte Customizations


  1. Milk
  2. Sweetener
  3. Coffee Strength
  4. Additions & Toppings


  1. Milk from whole cows, skim milk, almonds, oats, soy,
  2. Sweetened condensed milk, sugar alternatives, classic syrup, and liquid sugar
  3. Espresso with two shots, with the coffee-to-milk ratio adjusted
  4. Chocolate shavings, whipped cream, ice, milk froth, and caramel drizzle

If you want your iced latte or iced coffee extra strong, you can adjust the coffee-to-milk ratio or add a second shot of espresso on top of the sugar and milk you choose. 

You can change the drinks' textures, body, and refreshing properties by adding cold water, ice, or milk foam.

Top your iced coffee drinks with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, caramel sauce, or a drizzle of chocolate for an extra summertime treat.

Finally, there are a plethora of ways to personalise and change up iced lattes and coffees. The possibilities for customising these refreshing drinks are boundless, whether one prefers their drink sweeter, stronger, or with distinctive flavour profiles. 

Experimenting, being clear when ordering at a café, and savouring cold coffee drinks made to your liking are the most important things.

Popular Variations

In the dynamic and diverse Filipino coffee scene, iced lattes and iced coffees have undergone unique regional variations that cater to local tastes. 

One popular variation is the "Barako Iced Coffee" in Batangas, where the strong and bold Barako coffee beans are used to create a robust iced coffee experience.

Moving to the northern regions, the "Sagada Iced Latte" features Arabica beans from the high-altitude farms of Sagada, providing a smoother and milder flavor profile. 

In the Visayas, particularly in Iloilo, "Barako Blended Halo-Halo Coffee" has gained popularity, combining the rich Barako coffee with the beloved Filipino dessert halo-halo, creating a delightful and refreshing iced coffee treat. 

These regional variations showcase the creativity and adaptability of Filipino coffee culture, offering a diverse range of iced lattes and iced coffees that appeal to different preferences across the archipelago.

Pairing with Meals and Snacks

If you ask any seasoned coffee connoisseur, aromatics, body, and sweetness are the three most important factors to consider when mixing a good cup of coffee with the ideal food. 

When sipped, where does it make contact with the tongue? The façade? Both sides? Would you describe the coffee as having a syrupy mouthfeel? Which foods go well with a certain cup could change depending on all of these things.

We have compiled a list of some of the finest sweet and savoury food combinations to go with your next cup of coffee for those who believe that the only way to make it better is to add a delicious edible treat on the side.

1. Plain Butter Croissant

You can't go wrong with coffee from Peru or Colombia with this famous French dessert. The beans grown in these areas are renowned for their milder, less acidic flavour, which is reminiscent of honeycomb and vanilla bean without being overpowering.

2. Chocolate

There is no better combination than coffee and chocolate, as any fan of mochas can tell you. Expert coffee drinkers can elevate their ritual by splurging on premium handmade chocolate to savour with their brew. Typically, it is said that coffee from Latin America goes particularly well with chocolate.

3. Berries

It may come as a surprise, but coffee goes well with every kind of fruit, whether it's eaten plain or baked into a dessert. Coffees cultivated in Tanzania and Haiti are particularly good with berries.

4. Caramel

Caramel and coffee go hand in hand, much as chocolate. Quite rightly, too! There is no better combination than caramel and coffee, but Latin American-grown coffees are said to go hand in hand with caramel.

5. Coffee Cake

Keep the coffee cake in mind. Not feeling well? Coffee cake with a medium-roasted Nicaraguan or Hawaiian roast will change your tune by the end of the meal.

6. Crepes

Crepes stuffed with meat, cheese, or even simply veggies and herbs taste well with coffee, particularly Pacific Island types. Breakfast crepes and other savoury foods go well with these coffees because of their subtle but robust flavours.

7. Cheese

Cheese, indeed! Even while cheese and coffee aren't usually thought of as a pairing, they can make for a tasty treat if done properly. Avoid using Brie or Swiss, two of the softest cheeses, with coffee. Their subtle flavours aren't robust enough to stand out on their own, especially when paired with a robust cup of coffee.

8. Toast

Mildly browned Toast goes wonderfully with coffees from Guatemala, Colombia, or Costa Rica. These coffees are full-bodied, therefore they're probably espresso blends; they have a strong flavour that complements the delicate notes of toasted bread.

Making Iced Latte and Iced Coffee at Home

Cold Coffee Ingredients & Process

For a cold brew, you'll need ice, water that is either cold or at room temperature, and coffee beans that are coarsely ground. Here are the steps to make cold brew:

  1. Measure out four parts water and one part coffee grounds and mix the two together.
  2. Make sure the coffee grounds are fully soaked by stirring the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Let the ingredients steep for 10–24 hours, preferably in a fridge.
  4. Use a cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer to remove the coffee grounds from the liquid after steeping.
  5. After straining, pour the liquid into a jar and store in the fridge until needed.

Before serving, top over the chilled coffee with ice and garnish with sugar or creamers if preferred. Many prefer cold brew coffee unflavoured because of its milder flavour and lack of acidity and bitterness.

Iced Latte Ingredients & Process

Espresso, cold milk, and ice make up an iced latte. Here is how to whip up an iced latte:

  1. Make one or two shots of espresso, ideally with espresso beans that have been finely ground.
  2. Pour the espresso that has been brewed into a cup.
  3. It is common practice to measure out the same amount of cooled milk as espresso and pour it into the cup.
  4. Garnish the drink with ice cubes.

Even though they are served at a cooler temperature, iced lattes often taste very much like freshly brewed coffee. You can adjust the sweetness or creaminess to your liking.

To sum up, cold brew coffee and iced lattes differ mainly in the amount of milk used, the temperature of the water used, the length of time the beans are steeped, and the size of the grind. 

Different from iced lattes, which call for finely ground beans and milk, cold brew uses water that is at room temperature and coarsely ground beans.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main difference between Iced Latte and Iced Coffee?

The primary difference lies in the ingredients and preparation. Iced Latte is made with espresso, milk, and ice, while Iced Coffee is brewed coffee that is chilled and served over ice.

How is the coffee strength different between Iced Latte and Iced Coffee?

Iced Lattes tend to be milder because they are made with espresso, which is less concentrated than brewed coffee. Iced Coffee, on the other hand, can be stronger as it is made by directly chilling brewed coffee.

What kind of milk is typically used in Iced Lattes?

Commonly, Iced Lattes are made with regular milk, but you can choose alternative milk options like almond, soy, or oat milk based on personal preference.

Can I customize the sweetness in both Iced Latte and Iced Coffee?

Yes, both drinks can be customized. Sweeteners like sugar, syrup, or flavored creams can be added to achieve the desired level of sweetness in both Iced Latte and Iced Coffee.

Are there variations in the serving sizes for Iced Latte and Iced Coffee?

Yes, there can be variations. Iced Coffees are often served in larger sizes since they are made with a higher volume of brewed coffee. Iced Lattes may come in smaller sizes due to the concentration of espresso.


When considering the choice between an iced latte and iced coffee, it's crucial to understand the key differences. An iced coffee is a straightforward concoction of chilled coffee over ice, delivering a robust and bold coffee flavor. 

On the other hand, an iced latte incorporates espresso, milk, and ice, resulting in a creamier and slightly sweeter taste. The espresso in an iced latte contributes a concentrated, bolder coffee flavor than the milder iced coffee.  

Another distinction lies in the milk content; an iced latte has more milk, offering a smoother texture. If you prefer a stronger, black coffee experience, iced coffee might be your go-to, while those desiring a creamier, milder taste may opt for an iced latte.  

Ultimately, the choice depends on individual taste preferences and desired coffee strength.

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