Is Coffee Acidic?

Coffee's complex flavors and energizing properties have made it a favorite drink for millions of people all over the world. While coffee lovers enjoy the aromatic richness and varied flavor profiles of their preferred brews, the question "Is coffee acidic?" frequently arises. The answer is not as simple as one might think  into the chemistry of coffee.

Coffee's acidic flavor is essential to the beverage's overall appeal. Coffee's acidity isn't like battery acid; rather, it's the presence of natural compounds that make the flavor more vibrant and sharp. 

Coffee's flavor is heavily influenced by these compounds, which are primarily organic acids like citric, malic, and acetic acids. They contribute an appetizing tartness and complexity that moderates the bitterness.

In this blog, we will explore the world of coffee, highlighting its role in flavor development and assisting you in the secrets behind the unique flavor of your morning brew.

Why Do People Think Coffee Is Acidic?

Caffeine is the primary acidic component in coffee. Caffeine is a dehydrating stimulant that also raises heart rate and blood pressure. The bitter flavor of coffee is also due to the presence of caffeine.

Another reason coffee is acidic is because of the acids that are naturally present in coffee beans. These acids can form chlorogenic acids when they're brewed, and these acids have been linked to a variety of health benefits, including weight loss and improved blood sugar control.

These acids are produced during roasting and are responsible for many of coffee's distinctive flavor and aroma notes. The acidity of coffee can also change depending on the beans used and the preparation technique. For instance, the acidity of your coffee will increase with the depth of the roast.

The Chemistry Behind Coffee

Coffee's intricacy often fools novice drinkers. Coffee is essentially just two ingredients: water and ground cherry seeds. When you factor in the roasting and grinding of green coffee beans and the purification of water, however, a whole new layer of complexity emerges.

The science behind coffee is explored in this article, from the effects of water on the flavor to the advantages of grinding your own beans at home. Prepare to delve into the fascinating world of coffee science with a hot cup of joe and your trusty lab notebook.


Okay, enough botany; let's move on to some chemistry. Coffee roasting is a rich, nuanced, and subtle process. Professional coffee roasters spend years honing their craft and fighting primarily with chemistry. Heating green coffee beans to initiate specific chemical reactions without causing pyrolysis is the first hurdle in coffee roasting.

When a substance is heated past its decomposition temperature, a chemical change known as pyrolysis takes place. Charring wood is an extreme form of pyrolysis, the first stage of combustion. You'd be correct in thinking that coffee beans would suffer irreparable damage during the processes of combustion and charring. Roasters are careful not to let coffee beans reach the point of full pyrolysis.

Coffee roasters, on the other hand, are after a specific chemical reaction known as the Maillard reaction. The Maillard reaction occurs when sugars and amino acids in food react when heated. The Maillard reaction is responsible for the delicious flavor and texture of browned foods such as baked crusts, browned meat, and caramelized onions.

Roasters pay close attention to their beans once the roaster reaches 302 degrees Fahrenheit, when the Maillard reaction begins. Beans undergo a dramatic flavor change depending on how long they are exposed to the Maillard reaction. Coffee beans with shorter maturation times tend to be more sugary and acidic, while those with longer maturation times tend to taste more malty.


Coffee roasting and brewing are two processes where chemistry plays a significant role. Immersion brewers allow the coffee grounds to soak in water while the brew is made, while percolators force water through the coffee as it brews. The key distinction between the two brewing methods is in how they facilitate the contact between the coffee grounds and water.

It's easy to think that the most crucial part of brewing coffee is allowing the grounds to fully dissolve in the water, but that's not the case. The dissolution of coffee grounds in water is rapid, but the diffusion of flavor molecules from the center of the grounds to the periphery is a more time-consuming process. Since flavor moves more quickly in a hotter particle of ground coffee, we can get more flavor out of the grounds by keeping them hotter.

The coffee grounds stay hotter for longer in immersion brewing methods like the French press compared to percolation brewing methods like the pour over. Equalizing the time it takes to steep coffee grounds in a French press and a pour over coffee maker will allow us to extract the same amount of flavor from both methods. Baristas use a coarser grind when making coffee in a French press because flavor dissipates more quickly at higher temperatures.


The quality of the water used in the brewing process is also crucial. You might assume that all water is the same, but tap water varies widely depending on where you live. Directly, the water's mineral content affects the taste of your cup of coffee because of the water's own flavour, and indirectly, because of how the water affects the extraction process. 

Experts in the coffee industry have differing opinions on the ideal mineral content for brewing delicious coffee. Mineral packets are sold by some manufacturers; these can be combined with distilled water to achieve the ideal mineral profile for brewing coffee.

Grind Size

One could argue that the issue of grind size belongs more in the realm of physics than chemistry, but since it has an impact on extraction, and since extraction is a highly chemical process, we'll file it under chemistry.

While we touched on grind size when contrasting French press and pour-over brewing methods, we can get even more specific now.

One of the best ways to enhance the flavor of coffee has a little to do with chemistry: grinding the beans just before brewing. Since freshly ground coffee hasn't been exposed to air for a long time, it tastes better than pre-ground coffee. Coffee begins to oxidize as soon as it is ground and exposed to air. 

Coffee's chemical composition is drastically altered by oxidation, rendering it undrinkable. Although it poses no health risks, the taste is unpleasant. The process of rusting is caused by oxidation, which is hardly appetizing in comparison.

The aroma and flavor of brewed coffee depends on several factors, including the freshness of the beans and the method used to grind them. Uneven grind sizes can be produced by even the most expensive and high-quality coffee grinders. The ratio of large to small particles is what gives coffee its characteristic flavor after being brewed. 

The size of a particle affects the extraction of flavor compounds; smaller particles contribute more intense flavors. Coffee with a harsh and bitter flavor is usually the result of a grinder that produces too many small particles.

Every time you use a high-quality coffee grinder, the resulting grinds will be uniform in size. By maintaining a uniform grind size, you free yourself to experiment with other brewing variables, such as water temperature and amount of extracted flavor, to achieve your ideal cup of coffee. Inconsistent grind size distributions in low-priced grinders and pre-ground coffee can make it difficult to produce a tasty pot every time.

If you can only afford one piece of equipment for making coffee, make it a good grinder. The quality of your coffee will increase noticeably after using a high-quality grinder.

Factors Influencing Coffee's Acidity

Acidity in coffee can be affected by a number of factors, including the type of coffee bean, the growing region, and the roasting process. For example, Arabica beans are generally considered to be more acidic than Robusta beans.

Unfortunately, the promotion of "low-acid coffee" is rife with misinformation and pseudo-science, despite its popularity in the coffee industry over the past decade or so. For various reasons, including GERD, IBS, and just plain sensitivity, many coffee drinkers have expressed an initial interest in low-acid coffees. Some people find the brightness of coffee to be too overpowering and unpleasant, preferring instead coffees with lower acidity. 

New brands emerged in response to the growing demand for low-acid coffees, with many making bold claims about the "engineering" of their products to reduce acidity. Coffee acidity is more nuanced than the marketing hype would have you believe, and low-acid coffees are available from many different roasters.

Acidity in coffee can refer to either its perceptual or chemical qualities. What we actually taste and feel when we drink coffee is the acidity. The perception of acidity is what gives coffee its characteristic sourness; it's the same sensation you get when biting into a juicy piece of citrous. Technically speaking, unroasted coffee has a high pH because it contains many different kinds of acid.

Both the chemical and the perceptual acidity of coffee can be affected by factors such as roasting, growing conditions, and brewing method. Lower levels of both perceived and chemical acidity are typically associated with darker roasted coffees. 

Acid levels in the coffee cherry are typically higher in coffee grown at higher altitudes and lower in coffee grown at lower altitudes. Last but not least, many people find that brewed coffee tastes sour because not enough of the coffee particles were "extracted" during the brewing process.

Navigating the Coffee Acidity Scale

A substance's acidity or alkalinity can be determined using the pH scale, which runs from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline), with 7 representing neutrality. Coffee aficionados and experts need to know where their beverage falls on the pH scale. Coffee has an average pH of 5, making it a moderately acidic beverage. Many people enjoy coffee because of the acidity that gives it its distinctive brightness and lively flavour notes.

The amount of acidity in coffee varies from drink to drink. For comparison, orange juice typically has a pH of around 3.5, making it significantly more acidic than most other fruit juices. Coffee's pH is closer to neutral than that of water, and it's significantly higher than that of many sodas, some of which have a pH as low as 2.5 thanks to the carbonation and added citric or phosphoric acids. 

On the other hand, water has a neutral pH of 7, whereas coffee has a lower acidity.

Finding your ideal level of acidity in your coffee is entirely subjective. While some people enjoy the sharp, sour undertones of a more acidic coffee, others gravitate towards the mellow, subtle taste of a less acidic variety. 

In the end, knowing where coffee falls on the pH scale enables drinkers to select their brews in accordance with their individual taste preferences, adding depth and variety to the fascinating world of coffee aficionados.

The Bright Side: Benefits of Acidity in Coffee

One of the main benefits of acidity in coffee is that it can provide a refreshing and invigorating experience, especially in the morning or after a heavy meal. The acidity can also complement certain foods, such as citrus fruits, pastries, and dairy products, by cutting through their sweetness and adding contrast.

The acidity of your coffee is like a special sauce that can bring out hidden layers of flavor. By adding a pleasant vibrancy and guaranteeing a clean finish that lingers on the palate, when done properly it can improve the overall flavor profile.

Think of the acidity in your coffee as a lively, bright quality rather than the sour or bitter notes you might associate with acidity in other contexts. You just need the right amount of acidity for this to happen:

  • Enhancing Flavour Complexity: Like the conductor of an orchestra, acidity orchestrates the coffee's symphony of flavours. It enhances the natural sweetness, bitterness, and other flavours to produce a balanced and nuanced palate sensation. Thanks to the acidity, you'll be able to pick up on hints of fruitiness, floral notes, and even a little citrous.
  • Adding Vibrancy: Contrast a bland, one-dimensional cup of coffee with one that titillates your taste buds. Coffee's zippy, energising character is a result of the acidity in the drink. It stimulates the senses and turns every sip into a thrilling experience. Without the acidity, the flavour of coffee can become flat and lifeless.
  • A Clean Finish: The acidity in the coffee serves as a palate cleanser, making each and every sip as satisfying as the first. It eliminates the lingering taste and oil in your mouth and leaves you thirsty for more. The emphasis on unadulterated flavours makes a spotless aftertaste especially crucial in speciality coffee.

However, a middle ground is required. If you add too much acid, your coffee will taste sour. If there isn't enough detail, the piece may feel flat. Acidity control is an art that only the most experienced baristas and roasters can master.

Take a moment to appreciate how acidity brings out flavors, adds vibrancy, and leaves a clean, satisfying finish the next time you enjoy a cup of coffee with just the right amount of acidity. It's just one more nuance that helps set coffee apart.

When Acidity Might Not Be Your Friend

There are times when acidity isn't your friend, and drinking acidic coffee is one of those times. While the bright and tangy flavours of acidic coffee are a delight to many, they can pose challenges for those with acid reflux or sensitive stomachs. Coffee's acidity can make heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux worse. 

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus. Coffee's high acidity can irritate the esophageal lining, causing pain and possibly permanent damage. In a similar vein, those with weak stomachs may experience nausea and stomach pain after drinking acidic coffee. 

In such cases, drinking cold-brewed coffee or selecting a coffee blend known for its lower acidity may be more stomach-friendly than boiling or espresso-based preparations. People with these conditions should pay attention to how their bodies feel and adjust their coffee consumption habits accordingly to avoid any unwanted side effects.

Acidity's Role Amidst Coffee's Flavors

One of the most prominent qualities of coffee's flavour is its acidity, which can be experienced as a pleasant sharpness at the front of the mouth, a numbing sensation at the tip of the tongue, or a dryness at the back of the palate and/or under the edges of the tongue. It's a marker of, or a factor in describing, a coffee's quality.

To describe the flavor of coffee, experts use a variety of terms, including acidity, body, aroma, sweetness, bitterness, and aftertaste. Acidity, the quality that gives foods a refreshing snap, is highly prized. The acidity (pH) of the coffee has nothing to do with it.

In most cases, the acidity is quite noticeable and has flavors that are sweet, crisp, and/or tart, similar to those of a dry wine. This brings out the coffee's inherent charm. Dry, sharp, vibrant, lively, moderate, and dull are all words that can be used to describe the acidity of a coffee. The acidity of a coffee might also have an underlying citrus, lemon, or berry flavor.

Brewing Techniques: A Path to Desired Acidity

Do you wish you could improve your brewed coffee? Is a French Press the way to go? AeroPress? These are not types of printing; rather, they are methods of brewing coffee.

Discover which of the many brewing methods we've compiled below is best for you, whether you prefer quick, weak shots or a more dramatic process.

French Press

We get that most coffee lovers' first experience with coffee is with a French Press. This time-honored plunger pot comes equipped with a filter right out of the box, making it ideal for those just getting started.

Using a French Press to make coffee:

  • Start the coffee with a tablespoon of coarsely ground beans.
  • Douse the mix with some hot water.
  • Put the plunger back in, pressing steadily and slowly this time.

French Press aficionados argue that their prefered brew method is superior because it doesn't use paper filters, which remove the coffee's flavorful oil.


The AeroPress has quickly become a must-have for jetsetters who demand high-quality coffee no matter where they are. The AeroPress's plunger, chamber, and filter cap are its three main components. In addition to the filter papers and filter holder, an AeroPress comes with a stirrer, scoop, funnel, and filter holder.

Instructions for Making Coffee with an AeroPress:

  • Wrap some filter paper around the top of the filter and screw it onto the container.
  • The chamber should be set on top of a cup.
  • Put in a tablespoon of freshly ground coffee.
  • Fill the chamber with water to the "1" mark.
  • For a total of 10 seconds, stir.
  • Put the plunger in and slowly press down.
  • You'll need to rinse the AeroPress, so take it out of the mug.

Cold Brew

Cold brew coffee is simple to make even if you've never done it before. Coffee beans are soaked in cold water for several hours to produce cold brew. Coffee made without using heat to extract oils from beans is milder and less acidic. The Japanese glassware manufacturer Hario offers high-quality cold brew pots in 600mL and 1L capacities for those who prefer to brew their own.

Preparing Cold Brew Coffee

  • Fill the strainer with freshly ground beans.
  • Put the lid on the pot and pour in 500 mL of water.
  • Remove the strainer and chill the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours before serving.

Moka Pot

Bialetti The Moka Pot was invented in Italy. The pot, the coffee collector, and the filter basket are the three main components of this stovetop coffee maker. The coffee collector is elevated above the vessel, and water is forced to seep up into it using pressure.

If you like your coffee black and robust, like espresso, a Moka Pot is for you. If you want to save money, use a Moka Pot instead of an expensive espresso machine.

Moka Pot Coffee Brewing Instructions:

  • Fill the container with hot water.
  • Put finely ground beans in the filter basket on top.
  • Fasten the coffee filter holder to the pot with screws.
  • Start by setting your stovetop to medium heat and placing your Moka Pot there. Water rising due to increased pressure forces coffee up through the coffee collector's tiny opening. The brewing process is complete when you hear "spurting" sounds.
  • Put the Moka Pot on a cool burner and pour the coffee into a mug.

Hario V60 Pour Over

Are you ready to enter the realm of nerd? The Hario V60 is a cone-shaped dripper set at an angle of 60 degrees used in a pour over brewing method (hence the name). 

Besides the V60 cone and filter paper, a full set also includes a decanter or mug for serving and a kettle for brewing. You'll also need your digital scale because this brewing method requires extreme accuracy.

The Hario V60 coffee brewing guide:

  • Filter the drink by inserting the cone into the decanter.
  • To avoid having your coffee taste like paper, wet the filter beforehand and then throw away the water.
  • To make the perfect cup of coffee, set the decanter on a scale and fill it with medium or finely ground beans (30g). For the V60, James Hoffman suggests using 30 grammes of beans for every 500 millilitres of water.
  • Set the timer and pour in enough hot water to cover the beans by about twice their weight (60mL). Make sure all of the beans are covered by adding it in a circular motion.
  • Take the decanter and give the contents a good stir.
  • Wait 45 seconds, and then pour in another 240mL of boiling water.
  • After one minute and fifteen seconds, pour in the remaining water.
  • To get rid of the beans stuck to the sides of the paper, stir them with a spoon.
  • Finally, gently swirl the decanter to distribute the extraction.
  • Hold off until all the water has drained.

This may seem complicated at first, but don't worry; you'll pick it up quickly.


You have probably seen a Chemex coffeemaker in use at one of your favourite independent coffee houses. This chic bottle has an hourglass shape and is secured with a leather band around a wooden or cork collar. The Museum of Modern Art in New York has it in their collection due to its high quality design and construction.

The Chemex is ideal for making coffee because it removes the bitter oils without altering the flavor. Both the V60 and the Chemex are precise pour over methods, but the Chemex is the better choice if you need to brew coffee for a larger group.

The Chemex Coffee Brewing Process:

  • You should stack three filters on one side of the Chemex.
  • Wet the filter beforehand, but don't keep it.
  • Coffee beans, whether ground finely or coarsely, should be placed in the filter's middle.
  • Add twice as much water as the beans weigh. The suggested ratio of coffee to water is 1:10.
  • Coffee needs 30 seconds to "bloom," or release its gas.
  • Fill the Chemex with water until it sits a quarter of an inch below the top.
  • When the minute and a half is up, pour the remaining water in a circular motion to thoroughly saturate the soil. Three minutes is the maximum time for brewing.
  • Take out the filter and pour some coffee into a mug.

Siphon Coffemaker

Vacuum pot is another name for a syphon or syphon. Siphon is a two-chamber coffee brewer that comes with a stand, a burner, and an upper and lower chamber if pour over methods aren't nerdy enough for you. 

This makes it feel like you're back in the lab, brewing up something incredible, and adds an artistic and dramatic flair to the whole thing.

The Siphon Method of Coffee Brewing:

  • Latch the chain down the glass tube to secure the filter on the top chamber.
  • Fill the lower container with hot water.
  • Start the stove.
  • Invert the two chambers, with the upper one on top.
  • Once the water begins to boil, turn down the heat.
  • Here comes the exciting part! Add medium or finely ground coffee beans to the upper chamber once you see the water rise there.
  • In a clockwise direction, stir 10 times.
  • After 1 minute and 45 seconds, remove from heat, stir five more times, and observe the "draw down." The term "drawdown" refers to the gradual flow of coffee from the upper chamber to the lower chamber.
  • Take off the top chamber and show off the coffee's elegance after it's been brewed.


A pot called an ibrik is used to brew Turkish coffee. Since the grounds of Turkish coffee are not filtered, the extra roasting will bring out more of the rich flavours of the coffee beans.

The Ibrik Coffee Brewing Guide:

  • The ideal ratio of coffee to water is 10 to 1. Prepare a pot of coffee with finely ground beans.
  • Soak the beans thoroughly by slowly pouring water over them.
  • Don't exceed 15 stirs in order to avoid over-extracting.
  • When the foam in a one-cup serving has slowly reached the top of the pot, after about 2 minutes of heating, turn the heat down.
  • When the coffee has reached the desired level of foaminess, take it off the heat and pour it into a cup.

Coffee's Acidity Compared To Other Popular Beverages

We know that coffee has a pH of 5, but to really put that number into perspective, we need something to contrast it to. On the pH scale, pure water registers at 7, making it chemically neutral.

The American Dental Association (ADA) lists the following commercially available beverages and their respective pH levels:

  • Dr. Pepper – 2.88
  • Sprite – 3.24
  • Tomato Juice – 4.01
  • Coca Cola – 2.37
  • Lemon juice – 2.25
  • Aquafina water – 6.11
  • Pepsi – 2.39
  • Gatorade Orange – 2.99
  • Redbull – 3.43
  • Starbucks Medium Roast – 5.11

A lower pH indicates a more acidic solution. The acid in your stomach, for instance, has a pH of 1-2, while battery acid has a pH of 0.7.

When compared to the majority of the beverages mentioned above, coffee's pH of 5 seems relatively mild. The question "Is coffee acidic?" is inappropriate. Soda, energy drinks, and fruit juices are all fair game for enquiries.

Debunking Coffee Myths

You have probably learned a great deal of trivia and anecdotes about your favourite hot beverage. We've decided to separate fact from fiction by looking into and busting 5 common coffee myths.

Myth 1: Bold Flavours Mean More Caffeine

It's commonly believed that the more intense the coffee's flavour, the more caffeine it will contain. Going for the bold dark roast when you need a caffeine kick-start has always made sense. However, studies have shown that the amount of caffeine in a cup of dark or light roast is identical. There is no truth to this common belief. You can get there with either a light or dark roast, so it really just comes down to personal preference.

Myth 2: Freeze Your Coffee

Actually, you shouldn't do that. Because of changes in moisture content, freezing the coffee you drink every day degrades its flavour. It will ruin the flavour of your regular batch of home brew. Keep it in the pantry, out of direct sunlight and away from any other sources of heat or moisture. The same holds true for storing coffee beans or ground coffee. Check out these pointers to improve your home brewing techniques and extend the life of your coffee beans.

Myth 3: Coffee Halts Your Growth

The myth that drinking coffee will cause you to stop developing has been around for a long time. However, this is just one tale, and it doesn't exactly stand on its own. It sounds like an old wives' tale or some other form of folklore. This tale has been told to us often enough that we are starting to believe it. Until there is solid evidence to the contrary, this is just a myth.

Myth 4: Coffee Cures a Hangover

The effects of alcohol cannot be undone by drinking coffee. Caffeine is justified (because coffee is awesome), and it can help with migraine pain, but it won't get rid of your hangover. Hangovers can only be cured with time, and it can take anywhere from 8 hours to 24 hours to start feeling normal again.

Myth 5: Coffee Dehydrates You

Can you drink coffee without worrying about becoming dehydrated? This myth may not have any water in it besides the fact that caffeine is a diuretic. The liquid in your cup of coffee should prevent you from becoming dehydrated from drinking it. Hydrate yourself with plenty of water and perk up with a cup of coffee.

Moringa Extract: A Natural Balance to Acidity?

A new superfood is on the horizon, and it has the potential to end malnutrition everywhere from developing countries to our own backyard. The moringa tree is a drought-resistant, nutrient-rich tree that originates in India but can be found anywhere in the tropics.

The seeds, pods, and leaves are just some of the many parts that can be consumed. The health of the planet and its inhabitants, as well as the health of the runner, the breastfeeding mother, the person whose immune system is compromised, the person who is constantly on the go, the person who lacks energy, the coffee addict, the person who doesn't get enough vegetables in their diet, and the person with high cholesterol, can all benefit from Moringa.

Moringa, a miracle tree used in Ayurvedic medicine, has been used for centuries to treat and prevent more than 300 different conditions. When compared to other whole foods, the dried leaf powder has more nutrients per weight.

Nutrients in moringa:

  • 90+ vitamins & minerals, including A to K
  • 46 active antioxidants
  • 36 anti-inflammatory compounds
  • Essential fatty acids, including Omega 3, 6 & 9
  • All 9 essential amino acids and 9 non-essential amino acids

Moringa has (gram for gram):

  • more provitamin A than carrots
  • more vitamin C than oranges
  • more iron than spinach
  • more potassium than bananas
  • more chlorophyll than wheatgrass

Here are some of the benefits of moringa:

Food Pairings: Complementing Coffee's Acidity

The aromatic and flavour compounds in coffee are estimated to number over 1500. In comparison, wine has only about 200. There's a whole new realm of flavour combinations to try! 

It stands to reason that if you want to get the most out of both your coffee and your food, you should eat them together. There's more to food and drink pairing than just blending complementary flavors. You need only remember that complementary flavors are more likely to emerge when two foods share prominent aromas.

Below, we provide some introductory notes on this subject. We believe that once you start paying attention to what you eat and drink, you'll be able to create your own unique combinations of coffee and food. You'll have a better time at the restaurant overall, and you might even discover some new favourite dishes or beverages.

Start by sampling a wide variety of coffees. Find out what flavours you prefer if you don't already have a favourite type. What we mean by this is deciding where to get your coffee beans. Once you've settled on your prefered coffee varieties, it'll be simple to match them with specific meals, sweets, and savoury spreads. Here is a rundown of our current global coffee selections, along with suggested beverages.

Latin American Coffees: Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua

Coffees with a medium to high acidity level are best enjoyed with lighter foods like fruits and breads. These coffees are well-rounded, bright, and sometimes tangy; they go well with:

  • Foods: Breakfast breads, muffins, citrus fruits, blueberries, apples and nuts
  • Cheeses: Young, creamy cheeses like ricotta or mozarella.

African and Arabian Coffees: Ethiopia, Tanzania

Coffees that fall in the medium body and acidity range pair well with chocolate and savoury dishes that are heartier and more robust. Coffees with a wine-like flavour go well with:

  • Foods: Breakfast breads, muffins, citrus fruits, blueberries, apples and nuts
  • Cheeses: Goat (chevre), brie and blue cheese

Asian and Pacific Coffees: Sumatra

Creamy, herbaceous, and intense dishes go well with coffees that have a full body and low acidity. These full-bodied, rustic, and occasionally floral coffees go great with:

  • Foods: Foods containing maple, cinnamon, butter and herbs
  • Cheeses: Pavarti, smoked mozerella or gruyere

South American Coffees: Colombia, Brazil

Pairing chocolate, nuts, or baked goods with a medium to full (heavy) body, medium to low acidity coffee is recommended. These coffees are well-rounded and have just the right amount of acidity.

  • Foods: Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, cinnamon
  • Cheeses: Aged Gouda or cheddar

Understand that this is merely a suggestion. Never pair coffees without first tasting them. The flavour of some coffees shifts depending on when it was harvested and how dark it was roasted.
The purpose is straightforward. 

If you're serving a dark roast of coffee, go ahead and serve something equally hearty and rich. If the coffee is light, then the food or cheese should also be light. The goal is to find a combination of coffee and food flavors that enhances and accentuates each other.

The coffee you choose to pair with breakfast should enhance the meal. For the majority of us, it serves as the catalyst that kick-starts the rest of the day. Choose a hot or iced coffee that you can enjoy slowly over the course of your meal if you're trying to pair it with lunch or dinner. Most coffees consumed after dinner should be mild, but energizing. In those cases, espresso is typically the best option.

Once you're comfortable with that, try mixing some honey into your cheese before dipping it. Have faith in us, this is a good idea. Pick the thickest, least floral honey you can find.

It won't be long before you're automatically considering the food you pair with each cup of coffee. It will help to enhance the enjoyment of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Especially if you have good company to share it with. Every meal can be a delightful experience with your help.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is complementary to coffee?

Caramel and coffee work really well as the darker, caramel notes round off coffee's natural bitterness without masking it. They are the perfect partners as they complement each other without overpowering one another.

Is coffee considered an acidic drink?

The brewing process releases acids from coffee beans, giving this beverage a pH of 4.85 to 5.10, which is considered acidic.

Is coffee the most acidic drink?

Coffee often gets branded as an acidic drink, but in fact, coffee comes in at around a five on the pH scale, which is actually less acidic than drinks like beer, orange juice, and even soda.

How do you remove acid from coffee?

Baking soda has a high pH and this means that it will bring down the acidity of any other compound to which it is added. If you're struggling to stomach some especially acidic coffee, you can drop ¼ teaspoon of baking soda into your pot. This will dissolve and won't leave any noticeable taste.

Is coffee OK with acid reflux?

Medical professionals often advise people with GERD to eliminate certain foods and drinks from the diet, including those with caffeine. However, little scientific evidence links caffeine with the disease. If caffeine seems to aggravate symptoms of GERD, it may be a good idea to avoid it and see if symptoms improve.


Because of its flavor, coffee has a reputation for being acidic, but in reality, it is only slightly acidic. Chlorogenic acids and other naturally occurring compounds are the primary sources of coffee's acidity. 

However, it's worth noting that brewed coffee has a pH of only about 4-5, making it one of the more acidic beverages out there. 

The acidity of coffee can change depending on a number of factors, including the type of bean used and how it was brewed. Coffee may be mildly acidic, but moderate consumption is usually well tolerated. To answer your question directly, coffee has a low pH value, making it acidic.

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