Types of Coffee and Their Unique Flavors

Coffee is a fragrant drink that brings people together across countries and borders. The global love affair with this beloved beverage knows no bounds. 

From the bustling streets of Istanbul, where the intoxicating scent of Turkish coffee beckons, to the cozy cafes of Paris, where a café au lait warms the soul, and the vibrant coffee farms of Colombia, where the air is thick with the fragrance of freshly roasted beans, coffee is a universal language spoken with passion. 

At the heart of this caffeinated phenomenon lies an intricate tapestry of flavors and preparation methods that fall under the expansive umbrella of "types of coffee."

The rich tradition of coffee, dating back centuries, has seamlessly integrated itself into the modern world. Today, coffee enthusiasts are spoiled for choice, with an array of options that cater to diverse taste profiles. 

Whether you prefer the boldness of a dark roast, the velvety smoothness of a latte, or the exotic allure of a macchiato, the world of coffee has something for every palate. 

Join us on a journey through the labyrinthine world of coffee as we explore the myriad types of coffee, each offering a unique and tantalizing experience for coffee connoisseurs worldwide.

Why is Coffee Diversity Globally Celebrated?

Coffee, believed to have originated in the highlands of Ethiopia, boasts a rich historical significance. Its journey around the world has been instrumental in shaping cultures, economies, and trade networks. The story of coffee's global spread can be summarized in several key stages:

  • Discovery in Ethiopia (9th Century): Coffee was reportedly discovered by an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi, who noticed his goats becoming more energetic after consuming coffee berries. This discovery led to the initial use of coffee as a stimulating beverage.
  • Introduction to the Arab World (15th Century): Coffee gained popularity in the Arab world, particularly in Yemen, where it was cultivated and traded. The coffee trade helped establish economic and cultural connections between Yemen and other regions.
  • Coffeehouses in the Ottoman Empire (16th Century): Coffeehouses, known as "qahveh khaneh," emerged in Istanbul and became important centers for socializing, intellectual discussions, and entertainment. This marked the beginning of coffee's role as a social catalyst.
  • European Coffeehouses (17th Century): Coffeehouses spread across Europe, particularly in cities like London, Paris, and Vienna. They played a pivotal role in the exchange of ideas during the Enlightenment era, making coffeehouses hubs of intellectual and cultural activity.
  • Colonial Expansion (18th Century): European colonial powers introduced coffee cultivation to regions with suitable climates, such as Central and South America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. This expansion created new global trade networks and transformed economies in coffee-growing regions.

Reasons Behind the Diversity of Coffee:

The global celebration of coffee's diversity can be attributed to several factors:

  • Regional Differences in Climate and Geography: Coffee cultivation is highly influenced by regional climate, altitude, and soil conditions. These variations result in distinct coffee flavor profiles and characteristics. For instance, Ethiopian coffee is known for its fruity and floral notes, while Colombian coffee is celebrated for its balanced and mild flavors.
  • Cultivation Techniques: Local farming practices and techniques, including shade-grown vs. sun-grown methods, organic vs. conventional farming, and post-harvest processing, greatly impact the taste and quality of coffee. Different regions have developed their unique methods over centuries.
  • Cultural Preferences: Coffee preparation methods and consumption habits vary widely across cultures. While Italians prefer espresso, Americans enjoy drip coffee, and Ethiopians have a tradition of coffee ceremonies. These cultural preferences contribute to the diversity of coffee experiences.
  • Historical Trade Routes and Varietal Selection: The historical trade routes of coffee often involved the exchange of different coffee varieties and species. These exchanges led to the development of new coffee cultivars and contributed to the diversity of coffee plants.
  • Terroir Influence: Similar to wine, the concept of terroir in coffee recognizes that the environment, including soil composition, microclimate, and altitude, plays a significant role in coffee flavor development. This emphasizes the uniqueness of coffee produced in specific regions.

Coffee's historical journey around the world and its diversity are celebrated globally due to its profound impact on culture, trade, and society. The distinct flavors and characteristics of coffee from different regions result from a combination of geographical factors, cultivation practices, and cultural preferences, making coffee a rich and multifaceted beverage enjoyed by people from all walks of life.

Main Coffee Bean Varieties

Have you ever stopped to think about the many different types of coffee beans or where they come from? The chances are probably not that often!

If you are a self-confessed coffee lover, to really appreciate your coffee we invite you to learn more about the main coffee bean types that are currently found on the market.

The four main coffee types are Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, and Liberica and all four of them have radically different taste profiles.


Arabica beans, widely grown because of their higher quality, are among the most well-known and widely consumed types of coffee beans. More than sixty percent of all coffee beans grown are of the Arabica variety.

These beans require a high altitude, consistent rainfall, and lots of shade to thrive.

The trees are relatively small and simple to prune, which may contribute to the widespread distribution of this particular coffee bean variety. 

Despite their vulnerability to the conditions in which they are placed. Our coffee subscription service in the UK features only Arabica beans because of their robust flavor and aromatic qualities.


Robusta is the second most widely cultivated coffee bean species worldwide.

Robusta beans, as their name implies, are resilient and resistant to numerous diseases.

This variety of coffee bean thrives in hot climates with erratic rainfall and can be cultivated at a variety of elevations. Robusta beans have twice as much caffeine as Arabica beans, making them a great option for a serious energy boost at the expense of a more robust flavour.

The beans have a silky texture, and some say they even have a chocolatey undertone that goes well with milk and sugar (perhaps as an iced coffee).


The Liberica bean is notoriously difficult to source. These beans are larger than average and unique among legumes in that their shape is not consistently oblong.

The aroma of liberica beans is said to be one of a kind, with hints of smoke, fruit, and even flowers.


Recent research has placed the Excelsa bean in the same family as the Liberica coffee bean, but the two varieties couldn't be more different in flavour.

There you have it, a complete rundown of the most common coffee varieties. Our online store features a wide selection of coffees, coffee gifts, coffee equipment, and more.

Only about 7 percent of the world's coffee comes from this region of Southeast Asia.

Brewing Methods and Their Influence

There's a reason why we call it "making coffee." A bag of coffee beans is nothing more than a supply of unprocessed materials. How you choose to complete what Mother Nature and farmers have started will have a profound effect on the final product that is your coffee.

The issue? Different preparation methods for coffee yield varied outcomes.

Do you know which brewing method yields the most flavorful coffee and which produces coffee with lighter, fruitier flavours? When brewing coffee, what water temperature is ideal? Which coffee grind works best in an aeropress? With the knowledge you gain from this first Coffee Science article, you'll be able to make your ideal cup of coffee every time. So, shall we?

French Press 

One of the easiest and most reliable brew methods is the French Press. It's a fast method that yields a robust, dark beer without sacrificing flavour. This technique, which goes by many different names depending on where you are in the world (plunger coffee, anyone? ), is widely popular because it produces high-quality coffee.


If you want to make delicious coffee every day, a French press is your best bet. In just four minutes, you can have a delicious cup of coffee even if you're in a rush. French presses don't produce any wasteful filters, either (and if you want to get creative, find a green way to reuse your coffee grounds, such as compost).


A French press can only brew so much coffee. The water must be boiled separately, but getting there is half the fun.


The Aeropress is a great option for any one who need to make a single cup of coffee, travelers, campers, and people who don’t have room for a lot of brew gear.


The Aeropress is essentially a portable French press. It can be stored in a desk drawer if you can't stand office coffee, or tossed into a backpack for a weekend camping trip. The Aeropress method is similarly eco-friendly (it requires such a tiny filter) and yields a delicious cup of coffee. The Aeropress can also be used to prepare espresso.


Once again, you will have very little coffee. You should also get the water hot, which can be easily done with a camp stove. It may take some time to bring water to a boil if you're using a wood fire as your only source of heat. If you're the type to go camping, though, you probably won't mind spending your mornings by the fire.


A coffee chemist should use a pourover. The pourover setup not only looks more like an alchemist's workbench, but also brings out more of the subtle aromatics and flavours in the beans. When you first begin using the pourover, it's a good idea to consult a coffee flavour wheel.


A pourover may result in a better cup of coffee, but it doesn't add much time to the process. It's the best way to appreciate high-quality coffee beans. There is no more nuanced or satisfying beverage out there.


This approach does call for a filter, unlike our first two. The environmental impact will be minimal, and the coffee's flavour won't be altered, if you purchase unbleached, biodegradable filters.

Drip Coffee 

Drip coffee is the dive bar of brewing methods; it's obviously inferior to many of the others, but its low quality and low cost are both part of the appeal. Drip coffee can be made to taste just fine, and it may be the best option if you don't have access to a stove or boiler.


Drip coffee is easy to use and quick to brew a large quantity. The machine will boil the water and keep the kettle warm for you. This is the best approach if all you need is a jolt of caffeine.


You probably won't want to use a drip coffee maker with high-quality coffee beans. You have no control over the temperature of the water, and you can almost certainly taste the plastic used in the machine's various components. 

You may also need to use filters, but that depends on the machine. And by the time you get to drink it, the coffee could have been sitting around for a while. It will be a taste for you, too.

Cold Brew 

The cold brew technique is often overlooked, but it's perfect for the warmer months or for cooking with coffee. Cold brew is the best method for making iced coffee, but it does require a bit more planning ahead of time.


The cold brew is easy to make and superior to iced coffee because it will not become watered down. It's a cool and satisfying way to get your caffeine fix on hot days. Also, no negative effects on the environment!


Making cold brew coffee requires some time, typically at least one night but possibly more. When you're ready to use the coffee, you'll also need to strain it.

Traditional Coffee Delights

Coffee treats from Africa and the Orient swept across Europe in the 17th century. Particularly in Vienna, a culture of coffee houses emerged. In 1673, Bremen was the site of Germany's first coffee house. 

The beverage has been widely consumed in Germany since the middle of the nineteenth century. The German Coffee Association claims that we are currently experiencing the "Third Wave of Coffee," which is characterized by a newfound appreciation for the brew. 

As interest in coffee grows, so do discussions of its origins, varieties, bean quality, roasting, processing, environmental impact, health benefits, and delicious preparations.

The European Union is the coffee-drinking champion.

In both 2017 and 2018, the International Coffee Organization (ICO) reports that Brazil accounted for 32.4% of global production of green coffee (International Coffee Organization). Next in line was Vietnam at 17.9%, then Colombia at 8.8%, Indonesia at 6.8%, and Honduras at 3.1%. (5.3 percent). 

The International Coffee Organization (ICO) projects that in 2018, humanity consumed around 168,000,000 60-kilo sacks of the valuable beans. The United States, Brazil, and Japan are the top three countries consuming coffee outside of Europe. Over 2 billion cups are consumed daily around the globe. That's equivalent to about $200 billion in annual sales.

A recent study by Nielsen, a market research firm, found that between the beginning of December 2017 and the beginning of December 2018, Germans spent nearly €4 billion, or around €50 per capita, on coffee. 

According to a report published by Tchibo, a major coffee shop chain in Germany, the average German drinks 3.4 cups of coffee per day, with people aged 18–39 consuming 2.7 cups and people aged 40–75 chugging down 3.7 cups.

Coffee snacks to help you get through the day: Ready-to-drink beverages are becoming increasingly popular.

The younger demographic is showing the most interest in RTD (ready-to-drink) coffee beverages. Cold coffee treats are also doing very well, as reported by Mintel. According to the market research firm, nearly every fifth new RTD coffee beverage launched worldwide is a cold drink as well. 

The United States is a major market for cold varieties. "Cold brew helps not only to further strengthen this market category, but also moves it towards a premium market," said Jonny Forsyth, Mintel's Global Food & Drink Analyst.

The term "cold brew" is used to describe a specific method of preparing coffee in which cold water is used to infuse ground coffee rather than hot water. Coffee beans are coarsely ground and soaked in water. The ingredients are combined, then allowed to steep for as long as 24 hours while being stirred frequently. 

The coffee's undesirable components (like bitter compounds and acids) are less likely to be released when using this method than when using traditional brewing methods. Nitro coffee is created by adding a small amount of liquid nitrogen to the cold brew.

Cold brew is more than just iced coffee.

No matter the form it takes, cold brew has proven its ability to blur traditional lines between coffee and non-coffee beverages. Caffezza, a blend of cold brew and citrusy soda that comes in a can, is a delicious example of this category of drinks. 

The German Innovation Award was just recently won by Caffezza. In the same vein, ffeel, Melitta's newest cold brew offering, is packaged in printed 330 ml glass bottles and marketed as a carbonated lifestyle drink available in Calamansi Tangerine, Coconut Mango, or Grapefruit Yuzu flavors. The Austrian fruit juice manufacturer Pfanner is also betting on the growing demand for fruit juice and coffee hybrids with the introduction of Coffee & Lemon and Coffee & Orange.

The emergence of "super coffee" is freeing up the restraints of the established coffee culture. Coffee that has been fortified with plant powders and extracts is what this term describes. Powdered Peruvian ginseng root, which is rich in calcium, vitamin C, and many other vitamins, could be added to the drink as an example. 

It turns out that a rather out-there method of boosting your immune system is to mix in mushroom extracts. Antioxidants, amino acids, and anti-inflammatory properties have all been harnessed from mushrooms like Reishi, Chaga, and Lion's Mane.

Pink is the new black: rosy-colored coffee substitutes

Who says there can't be pink coffee? Beetroot juice is well-known for its health benefits, including improved digestion and a fortified immune system thanks to its high vitamin and mineral content. There has been a recent uptick in the use of both coconut oil and butter in coffee treats. 

Inventor Dave Asprey claims that drinking his three-ingredient filter coffee concoction, which also includes butter and coconut oil, will give you up to six hours of energy and can be substituted for breakfast. While Asprey was hiking in the Tibetan mountains, he came up with this recipe to help him power through the day. He applied the concept of incorporating fatty substances into a warm beverage to coffee.
Something like egg coffee might take us Europeans a while to get used to. This simple Vietnamese beverage is a real treat. To improve a standard shot of espresso, all you need is an egg yolk and a little sweetened condensed milk. There's egg in your coffee!

A clever broccoli idea generates a lot of attention.

Coffee culture is highly responsive to novel concepts. At the same time, they can attract a great deal of attention from the general public. Our next breakthrough, broccoli coffee, is a prime example of this phenomenon. Broccoli Espresso, Broccoli Cappuccino, and Broccoli Lattes are three new drinks available at the hip Melbourne coffee shop Commonfolk Coffee. 

The preparation is straightforward: just combine the vegetable powder with the brewed beans and sprinkle some more over the foam. Sam Keck, owner of the coffee shop, says his invention has both supporters and detractors. Despite the negative feedback, the store became internationally famous due to its unique broccoli drinks.

Time-honored tradition continues to have a place in the coffee world.

However, an idea involving coffee can be successful even if it doesn't involve any unusual twists on the beverage. For instance, Alexander Streck, the German entrepreneur behind the startup MyCoffeebag, has defied industry norms. He looked to his German heritage for inspiration, then developed an original concept of his own. In retrospect, filter coffee was a relatively new phenomenon in 1950s Germany's café culture. 

When developing his filter coffee concept, Streck took into account concerns about the environment, product quality, and the growing demand for single-serve brews. And it's been wildly successful up to this point. MyCoffeebag's mini filter is made of fleece and has a paper handle; both are biodegradable. The company also sells pre-packaged coffee in single servings. 

Since its inception 20 months ago, the online-only coffee retailer MyCoffeebag has attracted 40,000 new customers and sold just over 1.5 million cups of coffee. Product developer Jennifer Shirley claims that the system saves more than 25 tons of carbon dioxide compared to producing the same amount of coffee in capsule form.

Flavored and Specialty Coffees

Is expanding your product line to include trendy coffee flavors a priority? Having these regular or occasional options on hand will make you irresistible to others.

1. French Vanilla 

The classic flavor of French vanilla in coffee is smooth and delicious. Its subtle aromatic quality improves both decaf and regular beverages that are high in morning energy.

2. Hazelnut 

The sweet and buttery taste of hazelnut flavoring makes it a versatile addition to a wide variety of dishes. In freshly brewed batches, it gives off a nutty scent.

3. Caramel

In place of sugar, caramel's sweet and nutty flavor is a welcome addition to any cup of coffee. This flavor is gaining popularity because it has a pleasant sweetness.

4. Pumpkin Spice

The combination of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg that makes up pumpkin spice is a favorite of many. Many coffee lovers put this seasonal treat on their calendars every year as soon as the leaves begin to change.

5. Peppermint

The unique and invigorating flavor of peppermint is attracting more and more companies to use it in their products. The refreshingly minty flavor is a perfect complement to warm beverages during the colder months.

6. Mocha 

Mocha is a safe bet because it satisfies your craving for both richness and sweetness. It's a tasty addition to coffee, hot chocolate, and milk.

7. Butterscotch 

Butterscotch has a rich and sugary flavor perfect for candy lovers. Molasses, which has a rich, buttery flavor, can be used in place of regular sugar in coffee.

8. Amaretto

Amaretto is a great option when you want the flavor of an Italian liqueur but don't want to actually drink any. Many hot coffees benefit from the upscale flavor and aroma of toasted almonds.

9. Maple 

Sugar alternatives like maple syrup are available. Maple flavoring is becoming increasingly popular because many coffee drinks complement its complex and sweet flavor.

10. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a popular option because of its comforting flavor and aroma. A cup of coffee is better with the addition of this sweet and spicy flavouring.

11. Birthday Cake

When you want to have a good time and make any day of the week feel like a holiday, birthday cake flavoring is hard to beat. Coffee with vanilla flavoring is like drinking dessert.

World of Cold Coffees

What do you usually get when you meet up with friends at a café? Naturally, iced coffee. And there's no need for a menu when doing so. Although most of us are used to having our caffeine fix with the standard ingredients—coffee, milk, sugar, and ice cream—other cultures have developed their own unique takes on this classic beverage.

Frappe, Greece

Instant coffee, water, milk, and sugar are the traditional ingredients in this Greek beverage. Put everything in a cocktail shaker, give it a good shake, and serve it over ice.

Oliang, Thailand

Thai iced coffee is traditionally flavored with soybeans, sesame, corn, and occasionally cardamom. It's a creamy, sugary treat that can be made with your choice of sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, or unsweetened condensed milk.

Eiskaffee, Germany

Can I get a coffee with that? German eiskaffee consists of ice cream, grated chocolate, and whipped cream atop a cup of strong coffee.

Mocha Cola, Brazil

This is the beverage to consume if you want a caffeine rush. There's cola, chocolate, and coffee included. Finish it off with some whipped cream on top.

Cà Phê Trúng, Vietnam

Or, to give it its more common name, "egg coffee" in Vietnam. Try something a little different in your morning brew. It could make you rethink your position.

Affogato, Italy

It's a cross between regular cold coffee and iced coffee in terms of texture and flavor. A shot of espresso is poured over vanilla ice cream to make an affogato.

Yuanyang, Hong Kong

Not sure whether to drink tea or coffee? Have yourself a Yuanyang!

Mazagran, Algeria

It is believed that this unique blend was the first iced coffee. The French may have imported iced coffee to their country from Algeria, but the beverage has since lost popularity there as well. The closest modern equivalent is the Portuguese Mazagran.

Iced coffee with brandy, Sri Lanka

This is coffee with a kick, thanks to the addition of brandy and spices.

Es Alpukat Kopi, Indonesia

The Indonesian word for avocado is alpukat. You read that correctly. Given that a ripe avocado can be quite filling, the drink is frequently consumed as a light afternoon meal.

Decaffeinated Coffee

Decaf coffee is made from regular coffee beans that go through a process to remove the majority of the caffeine. However, decaffeinated coffee is not completely caffeine free, and EU regulation for decaf coffee is less than 0.3% caffeine.

The History of Decaf Coffee

Now that we've defined decaf coffee, we might as well investigate its origins. In 1906, German manufacturers released the first commercially available decaf coffee. Ludwig Roselius, who falsely believed that his father had died from consuming too much caffeine, set out to create a beverage that retained all the flavour of coffee without the caffeinated "poison." But by sheer happenstance, he stumbled upon the solution to his predicament. Caffeine was discovered to have been mostly removed from brewed coffee after a shipment of coffee beans had been accidentally submerged in seawater. Roselius's epiphany inspired the now-standard practice of steaming coffee to remove caffeine, which he patented.

The distinctions between decaffeinated and caffeinated coffee

When learning about decaf coffee for the first time, many people have questions about how it differs from regular coffee. There is usually only a very slight difference in taste and smell, aside from the drastically reduced caffeine content. But if you buy a good decaf coffee, like the kind we sell in our fantastic NESCAFÉ decaf range, you won't have to sacrifice flavor.

Organic and Fair Trade: Ethical Coffee Choices

One of the most traded commodities worldwide, and especially in the West, is coffee. Statista predicts that in 2018-2019, Americans will go through about 27.16 million 60 kg pouches, up from 25.56 million the previous year. 

According to a report by the International Labor Organization, the United States relies heavily on coffee imports from developing countries like Honduras, which is ranked fourth among coffee exporting countries. The United States Department of Labor estimates that nearly 158,000 children in Honduras are involved in child labor, most of them in the agricultural sector.

Fair trade organic coffee is produced without the use of any harmful chemicals, and by purchasing it, you are helping to ensure that workers everywhere are treated fairly. As an added bonus, you'll be able to make a positive impact on the environment thanks to the fact that organic production lowers vulnerability to environmental problems.

Why Fair Trade and Organic?

Here are some reasons why you should opt for organic and fair trade coffee:

  • Producing coffee beans in an ethical manner is guaranteed by fair trade. That means no use of child labor, adequate wages and benefits, a secure workplace, and more.
  • Fair trade also implies that economic growth and improved living conditions are being fostered in the local community.
  • To grow organic coffee beans, no artificial pesticides or fertilizers are used. This eliminates the possibility of workers breathing in or coming into contact with harmful substances. which one is better for their well-being.
  • The use of organic practices decreases the likelihood that synthetic chemicals will pollute or contaminate the soil.

Popular Coffee Types by Strength

First things first: coffee beans are not ranked by their caffeine content. They are ranked by how much caffeine they contain, how intense their flavors are, and how dark they roast their beans.

Knowing the different coffee types and the lingo used to describe them will help you extract the most flavor from your beans. What you need to know about coffee strength and the fundamentals of coffee selection are covered in this article.

Customers often request "strong coffee," but have no idea what it takes to make it. You won't find the words "strong coffee" on any coffee bag. You'll have to search for a different kind of coffee with a significantly higher caffeine content if you're looking for something that will hit you like a hammer in the morning.

We recognize that some of these terms may be unfamiliar to coffee drinkers, so let's make an effort to clarify the situation. Caffeine content is one measure of strength in the coffee industry. In recent years, however, a more elevated and intense flavor profile has come to be associated with strength.

There are some misconceptions that must be dispelled before we can proceed. When beans are still green, there is no such thing as a strength rating. We don't visit different farms to enquire if they sell "strong coffee." Coffee beans aren't sold and sorted that way. 

That's why we're emphasizing that "strong" isn't a category of coffee. As soon as the beans are roasted and the coffee is brewed, the adjective "strong" can be applied to it.

Let me tell you something else now that you know this.

A Darker Roast Doesn't Mean Stronger Coffee

This is an old fallacy that many people still believe. They believe that a darker roast will produce a more caffeinated cup of coffee, so that is why they opt for it. The truth is that a darker roast has less acidity and can taste bitter if not brewed properly. Be wary of brands that sell over-roasted coffee with a bitter taste and ashy flavors if you prefer a darker roast.

To put it another way, when compared to a lighter roast, which has a higher caffeine content, dark roasted coffee is not strong. Over-roasted coffee beans are similar to the dark roast in that they have a rougher edge and more robust, bitter flavors. A dirty cup is all you'll end up with. Consider the time you accidentally left your bread in the toaster. That's how over-roasted coffee smells and tastes.

The acidity of coffee is the key to unlocking its myriad flavors. When coffee beans are over-roasted, the acids escape and the resulting brew is watery, bland, and sour. If you prefer darkly roasted beans with intense flavor, look for roasters who are adept at taking their beans to the dark side of the roasting spectrum, or settle for a medium roast. 

Coffee Hero sells freshly roasted beans, never over-roasted. They have been expertly roasted to enhance the flavor of espresso and other coffee beverages.

Coffee Varieties: Robusta and Arabica

You might already be aware that there are two primary categories of coffee. Arabica and Robusta are two varieties. There are many different kinds of coffee beans, but we won't get into that here. Robusta coffee beans are considered of a lower quality, so they are not sold commercially in Australia. Their flavor is more bitter and they are lighter in weight. Coffee Hero does not carry this product.

Robusta coffee beans are grown more quickly and at lower cost because they can thrive in the lower altitudes where they are less likely to be damaged by pests and other environmental stresses. Originating in places like India and Uganda, Robusta coffee beans are in high demand.

Some energy drinks include Robusta coffee because it contains more caffeine than Arabica beans. Coffee jitters and dizziness are common side effects of drinking 100% Robusta coffee or multiple shots. Robusta is currently used in some coffee blends and single-origin Italian roasts. 

Producers of Italian coffee claim that it reduces acidity and adds crema to espresso. However, they are just cutting costs by using this method to offer coffee at a lower price. While the Italian market may appreciate this bargain coffee, coffee connoisseurs in Australia will likely pass.

Visitors will attest to Australia's thriving coffee culture, wherein Arabica bean coffee is readily available from cafés and roasteries. To put it another way, there may be a woodsy aftertaste to your brewed Robusta coffee. When compared to Arabica beans, even the best Robusta beans lack in flavor and cleanliness.

Arabica Beans

Arabica beans are higher in sugar and density. Their yields are lower than those of Robusta beans. Arabica beans are grown at high altitudes, hence the denser nature and high acidity. 

Most Australians who drink coffee enjoy it because of this acid. Flat white, lattes, cappuccinos, and other espresso-based beverages are our favorites, and we love to top them with steamed milk. Which one do you like best?

Caffeine levels in Arabica beans are very similar; therefore, the focus should be on the beans' flavor profiles. Let us elaborate: the aromatic oils responsible for coffee's flavor are released only when the brewing process strikes the ideal balance between heat and pressure. 

Espresso, plunger, filter, and stovetop brewing all require the right equation, which is typically influenced by temperature, contact time, and grind sizes.

Must-Try Coffee Combinations

Some "coffee purists" might consider it sacrilegious to alter the taste of their beverage in any way. However, for those who like variety in their coffee shop orders, the addition of other flavors can be a great way to complement that classic coffee taste.

Traditional flavors that go well with coffee, either as syrups or with food, are:

  1. Vanilla
  2. Hazelnut
  3. Caramel
  4. Chocolate
  5. Cinnamon
  6. Coconut
  7. Almond
  8. Pumpkin Spice
  9. Chai
  10. Berries And Other Fruits

Coffee and its Nutritional Value

Coffee is an essential part of the daily routine for many of us. We drink it to perk up, to bring people together, and to round out a delicious meal. Maybe we'll pack it up and take it with us. Despite what science may say about what is "good" or "bad" for us, it is not always easy to alter our routines in light of the evidence.

At other times, however, when we are told that we "drink too much," we may begin to worry about our drinking. Can such a thing be found? When do coffee's benefits stop being beneficial, exactly?

How you define health is a major factor in deciding whether or not coffee is good for you. A plain black cup of coffee is an excellent choice if you're trying to cut back on calories, carbohydrates, and fat without sacrificing satisfaction. An alternative that might be both nutritious and energizing is a coffee-flavored snack.

Nutrition Facts

There are 2.4 calories, 0.3g of protein, 0g of carbohydrates, and 0g of fat in one cup (240g) of brewed black coffee with no cream or sugar added. Both potassium and magnesium can be found in coffee. The USDA provides the following data on the food's nutritional value.

  • Calories: 2.4
  • Fat: 0g
  • Sodium: 4.8mg
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Sugars: 0g
  • Protein: 0.3g
  • Potassium: 118mg
  • Magnesium: 7.2mg


Coffee has no carbohydrates when consumed black, without milk or sugar.


Coffee in its black form has zero fats, but adding milk (or saturated fat, as in bulletproof coffee) alters the fat profile.


The amount of protein in a single cup of black coffee is negligible. The protein content of coffee can be increased by adding milk or a milk substitute.

Vitamins and Minerals

Plain coffee contains a small amount of micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals. A single serving has 118mg potassium, 7.2mg magnesium, 7.1mg of phosphorus, 0.1mg of manganese, 4.7mcg of folate, 6.2mg of choline, and 4.8mg sodium.


There is a small amount of protein (2.4 calories) in a cup of black coffee.

A single cup of coffee can look more like a decadent dessert when topped with milk, flavorings, syrups, sugar, and whipped cream. The calorie count, fat content, and nett carbohydrate content of a single 16-ounce serving of Starbucks' Java Chip Frappuccino are 440, 12, and 63, respectively.

DIY Coffee Tips

The coffee you brew at home doesn't have to taste any different than the coffee we serve in our cafes if you follow a few simple steps. If you want better home-brewed coffee, just follow these 11 easy steps.

Make use of fresh, whole bean coffee.

The presence of aromatic compounds in roasted coffee beans is largely responsible for the coffee's complex and delicious aroma and flavor. Degassing is the process by which these compounds leave the bean shortly after roasting; unfortunately, they take a lot of flavor with them. 

Seventy percent or more of those compounds will have dissipated after 8 days. The longer you let coffee sit, the more the flavor evaporates, and the more stale it becomes. By increasing the bean's exposed surface area through grinding, these compounds can escape more rapidly.

To extract the full flavor from your coffee beans, use only freshly roasted beans and grind them just before using. To have freshly roasted coffee delivered to your door, think about signing up for a coffee subscription service. In fact, all Caffe Luxxe coffees are sent out from our Los Angeles roasting facility.

Make Use Of A Scale

The general rule of using 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water is well known to all of us. That recipe, or one like it, can be used to brew coffee, but it lacks the precision necessary for making excellent coffee every time. 

A tablespoon of one coffee might weigh significantly less than a tablespoon of another coffee due to differences in bean size and density. Using a scale to measure by weight (instead of volume) ensures that you get the same amount of coffee in each cup, regardless of the brand.

Use the Appropriate Amount of Coffee

The amount of coffee used in relation to the amount of water used to brew the coffee determines how strong or weak the cup will be. The stronger the cup, the more coffee you use; the weaker the cup, the less coffee you use.

So, how do you determine how much coffee to use? The best way to think about it is as a ratio of how much coffee is used to how much water is used.

We use a ratio of about 1:12 (35 grams of coffee to 400 grams of water) for our House Blend to help accentuate its chocolate sweetness and silky body.

We recommend a 1:14 ratio for our Single Origins to highlight the more delicate flavors and acidity.

The use of a Burr Grinder

One of the most crucial elements of making coffee is a high-quality grinder. How quickly flavors are extracted from coffee beans is dependent on the particle size of the ground coffee, with smaller particles extracting faster than bigger ones.

To ensure that each coffee particle is brewed at the same rate, the coffee grounds should all be roughly the same size. You'll have a lot more say in the final product by adjusting the grind size of your coffee beans before brewing.

You can achieve this with the help of a burr grinder, which makes it simple to consistently create a fine grind. The Handground Precision Grinder is one of our favorite home grinders because it has 15 different grind settings and always produces the perfect grind size for your brew.

Grind at the appropriate coarseness (or fineness).

To make great coffee, different brewing methods necessitate different grind sizes. But how can you tell if you're using the correct size? There are two quick ways to tell: time and taste. We aim for three and a half minutes of brewing time with our pour over recipes. 

If your coffee brews too quickly, the grind is too coarse. If it takes too long to brew, the grind was too fine. Furthermore, if a coffee tastes too acidic or sour, the grind was probably too coarse, and if it tastes too bitter, the grind was probably too fine.

In general, espresso requires a fine grind, pour-overs and AeroPresses a medium grind, and French presses a coarse grind. By adjusting your grind setting to time and taste, you'll be one step closer to making delicious coffee at home. Learn more about the grind settings we use in our cafes by visiting our Brew Guides!

6. Make Use of Filtered Water

Did you know that nearly all brewed coffee consists of nothing more than water? That's why it's so important to use high-quality water when brewing coffee. Coffee will take on the flavor and aroma of the water used to make it. 

If you want the best possible cup of coffee in the morning, use filtered water. In most cases, using tap water for brewing is sufficient; however, there are locations where filtered water (from a Brita filter, for example) or bottled water is preferable.

Check that your water is the proper temperature.

To extract the best flavors from your coffee, the water you use to brew it must be at the proper temperature: between 195 and 205 degrees F. While temperature influences not only the speed of extraction (cooler water brews coffee more slowly than hotter water), it also influences what is extracted.

Much of the pleasant acidity and distinct flavors we enjoy in our coffees would be absent in coffee brewed with water temperatures below 195 degrees Fahrenheit. Water above 205 degrees F, on the other hand, will extract far more bitter flavors from the coffee. Brewing in that sweet spot brings out the sweetness and complexities of our coffees while avoiding the extraction of unnecessary bitter flavors.

Everything should be pre-heated or pre-wet.

Make sure everything that will come into contact with your coffee is at or near the desired brewing temperature before you begin. 

Brewing equipment will significantly reduce water temperature during the brewing process if this is not done. Keeping the water at the ideal temperature during the brewing process is essential, so you shouldn't waste any heat.

When making a pour over, it's also important to wet the filter with hot water and let the excess water drain. This does double duty: heating the filter to the ideal temperature while also removing the papery taste that would otherwise permeate your brew.

Your Coffee Will Bloom

Have you ever witnessed the bubbling of coffee grounds when hot water is first added? The term for this is the "bloom." This occurs because the soluble compounds in the beans are being dissolved by the hot water. This causes pressure to build up within the coffee grounds, forcing the CO2 to be released with some force.

When you brew freshly roasted coffee, the aroma and flavour will "bloom" more strongly. A byproduct of roasting, carbon dioxide gas is more concentrated in green coffee beans.
Brewing relies heavily on the bloom. 

Because the coffee grounds can absorb more water, the brew is richer in flavour and aroma. Carbon dioxide (CO2) can ruin your brew by distancing the water from the coffee grounds, making it impossible to extract the flavour. For the best results, start with a small amount of water and wait 30 seconds for the coffee to bloom before adding more.

Typically, you'll want to use twice as much water for the bloom as you did for the coffee itself (e.g., if you used 35 grammes of coffee, you'd use 70 grammes of water for the bloom).

Completely Saturate Your Coffee

When brewing coffee, it's important that the grounds spend roughly the same amount of time submerged in water. Even if it appears that all of the coffee has absorbed the water in your pour over or French press, dry spots can still exist. The best way to ensure that all of your coffee absorbs water during the bloom phase is to give your coffee a brief, light stir immediately after adding your water.


Trying out new brew recipes and brands is a major part of the fun of making coffee at home. Although you may be accustomed to using a Bee House Dripper to prepare your coffee, have you ever tried using an AeroPress or French Press?

You may enjoy the caramel and floral notes in our House Blend, but have you tried brewing one of our Single Origins? Have you ever tried making your morning cup with a little more coffee?

Coffee can be prepared in countless novel ways. Each one will teach you something new about coffee that will help you appreciate it even more.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many types of coffees are there?

We've got the answers! There are four different types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. The most common (and popular) are Arabica and Robusta, but you might get lucky and run into the other two.

What are the 2 types of coffee?

In effect, coffee beans have been divided into two main types – Arabica and Robusta. The main difference, besides being different species of the same plant family, comes down to flavour and characteristics of the actual bean.

Which coffee type is Nescafe?

NESCAFÉ® uses two types of coffee beans to make our signature blend - Arabica coffee beans, and Robusta coffee beans.

Is Barako Arabica or Robusta?

Kapeng barako is not arabica or robusta, but a varietal of the liberica species. Worldwide, liberica is the least common of these three major species. Still, it's common in Southeast Asia, and particularly in the Philippines thanks to barako.

What is a latte coffee?

A latte or caffè latte is a milk coffee that boasts a silky layer of foam as a real highlight to the drink. A true latte will be made up of one or two shots of espresso, steamed milk and a final, thin layer of frothed milk on top.


There are several types of coffee available to cater to diverse preferences. Some of the most popular types include espresso, cappuccino, latte, and Americano. Espresso is a concentrated coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans. 

Cappuccino combines espresso with steamed milk and a layer of frothed milk, creating a creamy and rich taste. Latte is similar to cappuccino but has more steamed milk and less foam. Americano, on the other hand, is made by diluting espresso with hot water, resulting in a milder flavor. 

These are just a few examples of the wide variety of types of coffee that coffee lovers can explore to satisfy their caffeine cravings.

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